National Physical Activity Pathway
NHS National Physical Activity Pathway (NPAP) provides a framework through which health and social care professionals can encourage and enable people in their care to be more active. The pathway is designed to help health and social care professions have an informed discussion about physical activity, Using the UK CMOs’ Physical Activity Guidelines, and signpost or refer people to the right service for them. NPAP is an evidenced based intervention that is both clinically and economically effective and can be integrated into existing clinical pathways and or routine general consultations.
Active Wards
This news article is about how wards in eight sites across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde encouraged people in hospital to be more active. They used graphics as a visual aid to encourage patients to move more, to get out of bed, and to build muscle strength while in hospital.
Broons deconditioning resource
This NHS Highland news story tells you how they worked with the team behind The Broons' to create an educational 'deconditioning' comic strip. You can find out about what was involved and there is a link to download the comic strip.
End PJ Paralysis
End PJ paralysis is a global initiative that health and care professionals can join. The website has information for care professionals about helping people reduce immobility, muscle deconditioning, and dependency as well as protecting cognitive function, social interaction and dignity.
Care About Physical Activity
Care About Physical Activity Programme (CAPA) helps care services find innovative ways to support each person experiencing care to build physical activity, meaning, purpose, and joy into their daily life. The CAPA programme complements the scrutiny and improvement work of care inspectors who support services to provide high quality care and support that is right for each person.