National healthy ageing resources


This page lists some national healthy ageing resources. They have been grouped in expandable lists by resource type. Click on the resource type to see resource details or there is an option to open all. Each resource has a title, short description, and link to it that opens in a new browser window.

Public leaflets and resources

Personal Foot Care

This is a NHS Grampian video guide to personal foot care.

Take five to age well: empowering the UK towards longer, healthier lives

This is the online page about the Take five to age well project. It is a project encouraging people to take five steps to improve their health and well-being. You can join a UK-wide community of people making small daily changes. There is support available to help anyone make little changes to daily routines to improve their long-term health and wellbeing.

Health and wellbeing in later life leaflet

This Age Scotland guide is a great place to start if you want to be little healthier. It has simple changes anyone can make. It covers topics including: healthy eating, keeping active, sleep, keeping hydrated, and brain health.

Keeping your feet in later life

This is a falls prevention leaflet from Age Scotland. It has information about regular things to do to keep you more confident and steady on your feet.

Worried about slips, trips and stumbles

This Age Scotland leaflet is for people who are worried about slipping, tripping, or stumbling. It has information about what you can do to help prevent a fall, with sections on staying safe at home, staying safe when out and about, and simple exercises to improve your strength and balance.

A practical guide to healthy ageing

An advice booklet to help improve the health and general fitness of people of any age, but is written to be particularly relevant for people who are about 70 years or older.

Staff educational resources

All our health: healthy ageing

This is a bite-sized session to give health and care professionals an overview of Healthy Ageing - including key evidence, data and signposting to trusted resources to help prevent injury, protect health and promote wellbeing. Free learning resource that requires an account to access.

5 pillars of ageing well

This Open University article gives simple advice on how to stay healthy as we age.

Wellbeing flower

This is a training session from Age Scotland. The Wellbeing flower training is designed for organisers of older people’s clubs and services so they can use it in their services with older people to look at ways they can improve their health and wellbeing.

Check, Protect, Refer (CPR) for feet

This webpage has information about the CPR for Feet campaign. It is a staff education resource aimed at people working in a variety of care settings. It focuses on supportive foot care for people in hospital but the learning can be transferred to other settings.

Personal foot care

This staff education resource is intended for people in a variety of care settings and focuses on the provision of personal footcare.

Frailty training

This is an frailty elearning resource. There is information about the course and how to register for it.

Clinical Frailty Scale training (Rockwood)

This is an online training module to support use of the Clinical Frailty Scale (Rockwood) in practice. It is an easy and quick module that gives a good overview of the scale, and how and when to use it.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 22/11/2024

Next review date: 22/11/2026