Local healthy ageing resources


This page lists some local healthy ageing resources. They have been grouped in expandable lists by resource type. Click on the resource type to see resource details or there is an option to open all. Each resource has a title, short description, and link to it that opens in a new browser window).

Public leaflets and resources

Free accessible training for unpaid carers in Dumfries & Galloway

This webpage lists free training for unpaid carers available to people in Dumfries and Galloway available from CTC.

Quit your way

This webpage is about the Quit Your Way service. Quit your way offers smokers in Dumfries and Galloway help in stopping smoking.

Staff educational resources

Certificate in Falls Prevention Awareness

This qualification from Dumfries and Galloway College is for people working in health or social care , particularly with older people who are at a higher risk of a falls. There is information on the webpage about the course and how to apply.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 22/11/2024

Next review date: 22/11/2026