National brain health resources


This page lists some national brain health resources. They have been grouped in expandable lists by resource type. Click on the resource type to see resource details or there is an option to open all. Each resource has a title, short description, and link to it that opens in a new browser window.

Public leaflets and resources

Brain Health Scotland

A website dedicated to inspiring and empowering people in Scotland to protect their brain health and reduce their risk of diseases which lead to dementia. It is an interactive website with advice and information to support people make behaviour changes to protect their brain health.

Brain health quiz

A five minute online quiz that produces and builds a personalised brain health plan. The personalised plan targets and provides advice on behavioural changes to the person's lifestyle which would protect their brain health across their lifespan.

Staff educational resources

Understanding brain health: preventing dementia

This is a free online course that has been developed by Brain Health Scotland and the University of Edinburgh. It has a mixture of articles, video clips, and short interactive quizzes.

Sport and exercise for brain health

This 2 week course has been developed in direct response to calls from the sporting community looking for evidence-based information to support brain health at all stages of life. Content delivered by current and former elite athletes, Olympians and brain health experts. Requires account to access, select free version to access this learning resource.

My amazing brain

This online resource from Brain Health Scotland is aimed at young people, aged 8-12 years old. It has been designed for parents and educators to use with young people to help them learn about the important things to do to keep their brain healthy.

Public health and brain health in action

An NHS Dumfries and Galloway hosted recording of a webinar with colleagues from Brain Health Scotland and the AHP community in Scotland about the importance of brain health. The recording is 45 minutes long.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 22/11/2024

Next review date: 22/11/2026