Inquiry With Investigative Powers pathway

STARTFINISHCreated with SnapPlan inquiry with...The Social WorkManager supports theCouncil Officer andsecond worker to planthe investigative...STARTFINISHCreated with SnapInquiry with...Issues to consider:Warrant applicationDuty to considersupport servicesincluding advocacy....STARTFINISHCreated with SnapMedical examinationIs there a formalrequirement for amedical examinationunder section 9?Obtain consent if...STARTFINISHCreated with SnapProgress investigationAP2 form can becompleted at thisstage although notrequired unless caseproceeding to case...STARTFINISHCreated with SnapInquiry with...STARTFINISHCreated with SnapNo engagementAdult does not engageSTARTFINISHPossible decisionsAppropriate partnersshould still meetunder adult supportand protection toconsider what action...STARTFINISHCreated with SnapDoes not meet criteriaThe adult does notmeet the criteria asan adult at risk ofharm.STARTFINISHPossible decisionsPossible decisions are:No further actionunder adult protectionproceduresSignpost to another...STARTFINISHCreated with SnapMeets criteriaAdult at risk of harmcriteria are met andharm is established orsuspected.STARTFINISHCreated with SnapPossible decisionsPossible decisions are:Agree an interimprotection plan.Proceed to caseconference....STARTFINISHCase conferenceProgress to caseconference ifappropriate.Inform referringagencies of outcome.STARTFINISHCreated with SnapAccess to recordsUnder section 10 ofthe Act, the CouncilOfficer can accessany records, includingfinancial or medical....