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A forced marriage is one where one or both parties are coerced into a marriage against their will and under duress. A forced Marriage is recognised as a form of gender based violence.  

Duress includes both physical and emotional pressure. Victims can suffer many forms of physical and emotional damage including being held unlawfully captive, assaulted and repeatedly raped.  

Forced marriage is an abuse of human rights and cannot be justified on any religious or cultural basis. It is very different from arranged marriage, where both parties give their full and free consent to the marriage. The tradition of arranged marriages has operated successfully within many communities and many countries for a very long time. 

The Forced Marriage Unit can provide information for victims click here, leaflets and support and may be contacted on 0207 008 0151

Trained professionals offer confidential advice and assistance to: 

  • those who have been forced into marriage 
  • those at risk of being forced into marriage 
  • people worried about friends or relatives  
  • professionals working with actual or potential victims of forced marriage. Click here for links to the Forced Marriage Unit

Scottish Government Multi agency guidelines for responding to Forced Marriage - click here

This guidance has a service specific guidance for different agencies including: 

Adult Protection Staff; Children and Families Social Work Staff; Health Workers; Local Authority Housing staff; Schools College and University; and Police Officers.  

For further information on Forced Marriages issued by the Scottish Government click here