Is the patient on a targeted therapy?
For example, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) or tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI).
Management of diarrhoea
- First episode generally occurs within 14 days.
- Keep anti diarrhoeal medication close and use at first sign of diarrhoea/change in bowel habit.
- If grade 3 or 4: Stop EGFRi, do stool culture. Start loperamide unless high suspicion of infective cause. Consider other causes, ensure hydrated, consider octreotide (100-200 micrograms daily SC) if symptoms do not resolve after a few days of discontinuation of EGFRi or if becoming dehydrated and seek advice from gastroenterology.
- Check serum K and Mg levels and replace as needed.
Treatment of EGFR skin toxicity and adjustments to EGFRi doses pathway
Examine skin, swab wounds, consider FBC/U&Es/LFTs/CRP +/- blood cultures depending on severity/grade.
Inform consultant/SpR if admitted and review daily. Ensure well hydrated. De-lineate and record affected area. Prescribe creams, analgesia, antihistamines, antibiotics +/- steroids if needed