Appendix 1: NHS Lothian approved DOACs - pharmacological information


NHS Lothian approved DOACs - pharmacological information 8,43,44


  Apixaban Edoxaban Rivaroxaban
Target Factor Xa Factor Xa Factor Xa
Oral bioavailability 50% 62% 60-80%
Peak blood levels 3-4h 1-2h 2-4h
Half-life 8-15h 10-14h

5-9h healthy

11-13h elderly

Administration BD OD OD or BD

25% renal

75% biliary

35% renal

65% biliary

66% renal

33% biliary

LFC-approved indications

Treatment of acute DVT or PE

Prevention of recurrent DVT or PE

Prophylaxis of stroke and prevention of systemic embolism in non-valvular atrial fibrillation - moderate and high risk (age >65 years or <65 years and any additional stroke risk factors)

Treatment of acute DVT or PE

Prevention of recurrent DVT or PE

Prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism following elective total hip or knee replacement

To guide prescribers NHS Lothian has created 'Ambulatory Care DVT & PE Pathways'

and 'Apixaban Prescribing Guidance Prescriber Information' which can be found on

the Haematology intranet site (Policies)

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 01/12/2021

Next review date: 01/12/2024

Author(s): Dalrymple H.

Version: 2.1

Approved By: CTAC Chair

Reviewer name(s): Stewart J.