See section on blood glucose monitoring for further information.

  • Self-Monitoring Glucose (SMG) is not generally recommended in management of type 2 diabetes.
  • This indicator should have a low value.
  • Do not routinely offer SMG for adults with type 2 diabetes unless the person is prescribed insulin, there is evidence of hypoglycaemic episodes, the person is on oral medication that may increase their risk of hypoglycaemia while driving or operating machinery, the person is pregnant or is planning to become pregnant.


Self-monitoring of glucose

Action required by boards/clusters/practices

  • SMG should be prescribed in line with local MCN guidance and formulary recommendations. There is no evidence to suggest greater clinical benefit is achieved by using more expensive test strips over the less costly ones and therefore NHS Boards should select appropriate formulary products.
  • GP clusters and practices should review their data with others in the board and down to practice level, considering practices with higher level of SMG prescribing.
  • Identify individuals prescribed SMG and review to ensure if ongoing use is required.