A polypharmacy review (following the 7-Steps approach) should ensure optimal management of T2DM and other conditions. It should include addressing aggravating lifestyle factors and consideration of the most appropriate medication at the right dose with regular review.

The following 7-Steps are intended as a guide to structure the review process.

Step 1: Aim: What matters to the patient?

Step 2: Need: Identify essential drug therapy.

Step 3: Need: Does the patient take unnecessary drug therapy

Step 4: Effectiveness: Are therapeutic objectives being achieved?

Step 5: Safety: Is the patient at risk of ADRs or suffers actual ADRs?

Step 6: Sustainability: Is therapy cost-effective and environmentally sustainable?

Step 7: Patient-centred: Is the patient willing and able to take therapy as intended?


The 7-Steps to appropriate polypharmacy demonstrate that the review process is not in fact a linear single event, but cyclical, requiring regular repeat and review (see figure below). The circle is centred on what matters to the individual, ensuring they are provided with the right information, tools and resources to make informed decisions about their medicines and treatment options. It should be used at both initiation and review of medicines.



The following 7-Steps are intended as a guide to structure the review process. They are also available as a pdf here.

See case studies for examples of applying the 7-step medication review process.

Step 1 - Aims - What matters to the individual about their condition(s)?


Review diagnoses and consider:

  • Therapeutic objectives of drug therapy
  • Management of existing health problems
  • Prevention of future health issues, including lifestyle advice

Person specific issues to address

  • to prevent long-term diabetes complications
  • is there co-existing cardiovascular or renal disease? Any mental health issues?
  • maintaining good mental health

Step 2 - Need - Identify essential drug therapy


Identify essential drugs (not to be stopped without specialist advice*)

  • Drugs that have essential replacement functions
  • Drugs to prevent rapid symptomatic decline

* with advice from healthcare professional with specialist interest

Person specific issues to address

  • insulin
  • sulfonylurea for immediate management of hyperosmolar symptoms

Step 3 - Does the patient take unnecessary drug therapy?


Identify and review the continued need for drugs

  • what is medication for?
  • with temporary indications
  • with higher than usual maintenance doses
  • with limited benefit/evidence for use

with limited benefit in the person under review (see Drug efficacy & applicability (NNT) table)

Person specific issues to address

  • SU for immediate reduction of symptomatic hyperglycaemia
  • SU for long term use; pioglitazone and gliptins less effective than other sub-classes
  • co-prescribing of DPP-4i and GLP-1RA not appropriate, stop DPP-4i


Step 4 - Effectiveness - Are therapeutic objectives being achieved?


Identify the need for adding/intensifying drug therapy to achieve therapeutic objectives

  • to achieve symptom control
  • to achieve biochemical/clinical targets
  • to prevent disease progression/exacerbation
  • is there a more appropriate medication to achieve goals?

Person specific issues to address

  • consider target dependent on other factors, e.g., frailty?
  • SGLT-2i and GLP-1RA have positive ASCVD and CKD outcome data
  • if co-existing ASCVD or CKD, SGLT-2i or GLP-1RA may be more appropriate than gliptin or pioglitazone

Step 5 - Safety - Does the patient have or is at risk of ADRs/side effects? Does the person know what to do if they are ill??


Identify individual safety risks by checking for


Identify adverse drug effects by checking for

  • specific symptoms/laboratory markers
  • cumulative adverse drug effects (see ADR table)
  • drugs used to treat side effects caused by other drugs


Medication Sick Day guidance


Person specific issues to address

  • if frail, is HbA1c less than 48mmol/mol. Reduce therapy
  • check renal function and dose adjust where necessary, e.g., metformin reduce dose if eGFR <45ml/min and stop if eGFR <30ml/min
  • women of child-bearing age – metformin and insulin are suitable in pregnancy but others are not. Individuals should be made aware of this
  • temporarily stop SGLT-2i, metformin and SU during dehydration illness


Step 6 - Sustainability - Is drug therapy cost-effective and environmentally sustainable??


Identify unnecessarily costly drug therapy by

  • considering more cost-effective alternatives, safety, convenience

Consider the environmental impact of

  • Inhaler use
  • Single use plastics
  • Medicines waste
  • Water pollution 

Person specific issues to address

  • metformin modified release less cost effective than standard release, but appropriate if previous gastrointestinal intolerance
  • if insulin therapy required, are reusable pens and cartridges suitable, rather than disposable pens?

Step 7 - Person-centeredness - Is the patient willing and able to take drug therapy as intended?


Does the person understand the outcomes of the review?

  • Consider teach-back

Ensure drug therapy changes are tailored to individual’s preferences. Consider

  • is the medication in a form they can take?
  • is the dosing schedule convenient?
  • what assistance is needed?
  • are they able to take medicines as intended?

Agree and communicate plan

  • discuss and agree with the individual/carer/welfare proxy therapeutic objectives and treatment priorities
  • include lifestyle and holistic management goals
  • inform relevant health and social care providers of changes in treatments across the transitions of care

7 steps overview

Click on the table image below for an overview of key considerations at each step for an individual with T2DM.

See case studies for examples of applying the 7-step medication review process.