Patient history and differential diagnosis


Common Differential Diagnoses:

  • Osteoathritis
  • Patella Tendinopathy
  • Patellofemoral / Anterior Knee Pain
  • Ligament Injury
  • Meniscal Lesions
  • Post surgery rehabilitation


The following articles contain general information relating to the pathology of knee osteoarthritis:

Murphy, L.B., Moss, S., Do, B.T., Helmick, C.G., Schwartz, T.A., Barbour, K.E., Renner, J., Kalsbeek, W. and Jordan, J.M., 2016. Annual incidence of knee symptoms and four knee osteoarthritis outcomes in the Johnston County Osteoarthritis Project. Arthritis care & research, 68(1), pp.55-65.
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Paterson, K.L., Kasza, J., Hunter, D.J., Hinman, R.S., Menz, H.B., Peat, G. and Bennell, K.L., 2017. The relationship between foot and ankle symptoms and risk of developing knee osteoarthritis: data from the osteoarthritis initiative. Osteoarthritis and cartilage, 25(5), pp.639-646.
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Peat, G., McCarney, R. and Croft, P., 2001. Knee pain and osteoarthritis in older adults: a review of community burden and current use of primary health care. Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 60(2), pp.91-97.
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Sharma, L., 2016. Osteoarthritis year in review 2015: clinical. Osteoarthritis and cartilage, 24(1), pp.36-48.
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Patella tendinopathy

The following articles contain general information relating to the pathology of patella tendinopathy:

Dan, M.J., McMahon, J., Parr, W.C., Broe, D., Lucas, P., Cross, M. and Walsh, W.R., 2018. Evaluation of Intrinsic Biomechanical Risk Factors in Patellar Tendinopathy: A Retrospective Radiographic Case-Control Series. Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine, 6(12), p.2325967118816038.
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Lian, Ø.B., Engebretsen, L. and Bahr, R., 2005. Prevalence of jumper's knee among elite athletes from different sports: a cross-sectional study. The American journal of sports medicine, 33(4), pp.561-567.
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Rutland, M., O'Connell, D., Brismée, J.M., Sizer, P., Apte, G. and O'Connell, J., 2010. Evidence–supported rehabilitation of patellar tendinopathy. North American journal of sports physical therapy: NAJSPT, 5(3), p.166.
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Van der Worp, H., van Ark, M., Roerink, S., Pepping, G.J., van den Akker-Scheek, I. and Zwerver, J., 2011. Risk factors for patellar tendinopathy: a systematic review of the literature. Br J Sports Med, 45(5), pp.446-452.
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Patellofemoral/anterior knee pain

The following articles contain general information relating to the pathology of patellofemoral pain syndrome:

Halabchi, F., Abolhasani, M., Mirshahi, M. and Alizadeh, Z., 2017. Patellofemoral pain in athletes: clinical perspectives. Open access journal of sports medicine, 8, p.189.
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Petersen, W., Ellermann, A., Gösele-Koppenburg, A., Best, R., Rembitzki, I.V., Brüggemann, G.P. and Liebau, C., 2014. Patellofemoral pain syndrome. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy, 22(10), pp.2264-2274.
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Vora, M., Curry, E., Chipman, A., Matzkin, E. and Li, X., 2017. Patellofemoral pain syndrome in female athletes: A review of diagnoses, etiology and treatment options. Orthopedic reviews, 9(4).
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Waryasz, G.R. and McDermott, A.Y., 2008. Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS): a systematic review of anatomy and potential risk factors. Dynamic medicine, 7(1), p.9.
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Ligament injury

The following articles contain general information relating to the pathology of ligament injuries affecting the knee:

Anderson, M.J., Browning III, W.M., Urband, C.E., Kluczynski, M.A. and Bisson, L.J., 2016. A systematic summary of systematic reviews on the topic of the anterior cruciate ligament. Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine, 4(3), p.2325967116634074.
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Domnick, C., Raschke, M.J. and Herbort, M., 2016. Biomechanics of the anterior cruciate ligament: Physiology, rupture and reconstruction techniques. World journal of orthopedics, 7(2), p.82.
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Nasab, S.H., List, R., Oberhofer, K., Fucentese, S.F., Snedeker, J.G. and Taylor, W.R., 2016. Loading patterns of the posterior cruciate ligament in the healthy knee: a systematic review. PloS one, 11(11), p.e0167106.
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Orozco, G.A., Tanska, P., Mononen, M.E., Halonen, K.S. and Korhonen, R.K., 2018. The effect of constitutive representations and structural constituents of ligaments on knee joint mechanics. Scientific reports, 8(1), p.2323.
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Raines, B.T., Naclerio, E. and Sherman, S.L., 2017. Management of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury: What's In and What's Out?. Indian journal of orthopaedics, 51(5), p.563.
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Meniscal lesions

The following articles contain general information relating to the pathology of meniscal lesions:

Bolog, N.V. and Andreisek, G., 2016. Reporting knee meniscal tears: technical aspects, typical pitfalls and how to avoid them. Insights into imaging, 7(3), pp.385-398.
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Khan, H.I., Aitken, D., Ding, C., Blizzard, L., Pelletier, J.P., Martel-Pelletier, J., Cicuttini, F. and Jones, G., 2016. Natural history and clinical significance of meniscal tears over 8 years in a midlife cohort. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 17(1), p.4.
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Thorlund, J.B., Felson, D.T., Segal, N.A., Nevitt, M.C., Niu, J., Neogi, T., Lewis, C.E., Guermazi, A., Roemer, F. and Englund, M., 2016. Effect of knee extensor strength on incident radiographic and symptomatic knee osteoarthritis in individuals with meniscal pathology: data from the Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study. Arthritis care & research, 68(11), pp.1640-1646.
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Post surgery rehabilitation

The following link contains public and professional resources relating to knee surgery in the UK:

British Association for Surgery of the Knee (BASK)
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Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 01/08/2024

Next review date: 01/08/2025

Approved By: British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists (BAPO)

Reviewer name(s): Laura Barr, British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists (BAPO) Professional Affairs Committee .