Evidence for orthotic treatment of the hip


Cohort Studies

Akinola, B., Jones, HW., Harrison, T. And Tucker, K. Shoe Raises for Symptomatic Leg Length Discrepancy after Total Hip Replacement: Do Patients Find Them Useful?. The Internet Journal of Orthopedic Surgery. 2014 Volume 22 Number 1.
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Golightly, Y.M., Tate, J.J., Burns, C.B. and Gross, M.T., 2007. Changes in pain and disability secondary to shoe lift intervention in subjects with limb length inequality and chronic low back pain: a preliminary report. The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy, 37(7), p.380.
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Ohsawa, S. and Ueno, R., 1997. Heel lifting as a conservative therapy for osteoarthritis of the hip: based on the rationale of Pauwels' intertrochanteric osteotomy. Prosthetics and orthotics international, 21(2), pp.153-158.
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Non-systematic Literature Review

Marks, R., Sharma, S., Majumder, K., Rao, J.K., Arya, V., Siwach, V., Gulia, S., Waghray-Penmetcha, T., Li, S., Puranik, R. and Torres, M.L., Non-Operative Management of Hip Osteoarthritis.
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Harwin, S.F. and Pivec, R., 2014. Limb-length discrepancy after total hip arthroplasty. Orthopedics, 37(2), p.78.
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Professional Opinion

Caselli, M.A. and Rzonka, E.C., 2002. Detecting and Treating Leg Length Discrepancies. Podiatry Today, 15(12), pp.65-68.
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Footwear adaptations/advice

Cohort Studies

Akinola, B., Jones, HW., Harrison, T. And Tucker, K. Shoe Raises for Symptomatic Leg Length Discrepancy after Total Hip Replacement: Do Patients Find Them Useful?. The Internet Journal of Orthopedic Surgery. 2014 Volume 22 Number 1.
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Golightly, Y.M., Tate, J.J., Burns, C.B. and Gross, M.T., 2007. Changes in pain and disability secondary to shoe lift intervention in subjects with limb length inequality and chronic low back pain: a preliminary report. The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy, 37(7), p.380.
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Non-Systematic Literature Review

Marks, R., Sharma, S., Majumder, K., Rao, J.K., Arya, V., Siwach, V., Gulia, S., Waghray-Penmetcha, T., Li, S., Puranik, R. and Torres, M.L., Non-Operative Management of Hip Osteoarthritis.
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Harwin, S.F. and Pivec, R., 2014. Limb-length discrepancy after total hip arthroplasty. Orthopedics, 37(2), p.78.
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Systematic Reviews

Gélis, A., Coudeyre, E., Hudry, C., Pelissier, J., Revel, M. and Rannou, F., 2008. Is there an evidence-based efficacy for the use of foot orthotics in knee and hip osteoarthritis? Elaboration of French clinical practice guidelines. Joint, bone, spine: revue du rhumatisme, 75(6), p.714.
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Reid, D., 2016. The management of greater trochanteric pain syndrome: A systematic literature review. Journal of Orthopaedics, 13(1), p.15.
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Cohort Studies

Ferrari, R., 2012. A Cohort-controlled Trial of Customized Foot Orthotics in Trochanteric Bursitis. Jpo Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics, 24(3), pp.107-110.
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Non-systematic Reviews

Marks, R., Sharma, S., Majumder, K., Rao, J.K., Arya, V., Siwach, V., Gulia, S., Waghray-Penmetcha, T., Li, S., Puranik, R. and Torres, M.L., Non-Operative Management of Hip Osteoarthritis.
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Professional Opinion

Caselli, M.A. and Rzonka, E.C., 2002. Detecting and Treating Leg Length Discrepancies. Podiatry Today, 15(12), pp.65-68.
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Hip orthosis

Case Series

Yeung, M., Memon, M., Simunovic, N., Belzile, E., Philippon, M.J. and Ayeni, O.R., 2016. Gross Instability After Hip Arthroscopy: An Analysis of Case Reports Evaluating Surgical and Patient Factors. Arthroscopy: the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery: official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association, 32(6), p.1196.
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