Patient history and differential diagnosis


Common Differential Diagnoses:

  • Plantar Forefoot pain / Plantar Plate Dysfunction / Callus / Metatarsalgia
  • # Metatarsal / Freibergs
  • Neuroma / Plantar Digital Neuritis
  • Sesamoiditis
  • 1st Toe MTP Dysfunction
  • Hallux Valgus
  • Toe Deformities

Plantar plate dysfunction/Plantar forefoot pain/callus

The following articles contain general information relating to the pathology of plantar plate dysfunction and lesser MTP joint pain.

Bardelli, M., Turelli, L. and Scoccianti, G., 2003. Definition and classification of metatarsalgia. Foot and ankle surgery, 9(2), pp.79-85.
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Bergeron, M.C., Ferland, J., Malay, D.S., Lewis, S.E., Burkmar, J.A. and Giovinco, N.A., 2018. Use of Metatarsophalangeal Joint Dorsal Subluxation in the Diagnosis of Plantar Plate Rupture. The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery.
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Klein, E.E., Weil, L., Weil, L.S., Coughlin, M.J. and Knight, J., 2013. Clinical Examination of Plantar Plate Abnormality A Diagnostic Perspective. Foot & ankle international, p.1071100712471825.
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Thomas, J.L., Blitch, E.L., Chaney, D.M., Dinucci, K.A., Eickmeier, K., Rubin, L.G., Stapp, M.D., Vanore, J.V. and Clinical Practice Guideline Forefoot Disorders Panel, 2009. Diagnosis and Treatment of Forefoot Disorders. Section 2. Central Metatarsalgia. The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery, 48(2), pp.239-250.
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Metatarsal fracture / Freibergs

The following articles contain general information relating to the pathology of metatarsal stress fracture and Freibergs avascular necrosis.

Bardelli, M., Turelli, L. and Scoccianti, G., 2003. Definition and classification of metatarsalgia. Foot and ankle surgery, 9(2), pp.79-85.
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Dixon, S., Nunns, M., House, C., Rice, H., Mostazir, M., Stiles, V., Davey, T., Fallowfield, J. and Allsopp, A., 2018. Prospective study of biomechanical risk factors for second and third metatarsal stress fractures in military recruits. Journal of science and medicine in sport.
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Koo, A.Y. and Tolson, D.R., 2018. March (Metatarsal Stress) Fracture..
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Talusan, P.G., Diaz-Collado, P.J. and Reach, J.S., 2014. Freiberg’s Infraction Diagnosis and Treatment. Foot & ankle specialist, 7(1), pp.52-56.
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Neuroma/Plantar digital neuritis/Entrapment

The following articles contain general information relating to the pathology of interdigital neuroma, plantar digital neuritis and nerve entrapment.

Delfaut, E.M., Demondion, X., Bieganski, A., Thiron, M.C., Mestdagh, H. and Cotten, A., 2003. Imaging of Foot and Ankle Nerve Entrapment Syndromes: From Well-demonstrated to Unfamiliar Sites 1. Radiographics, 23(3), pp.613-623.
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Jain, S. and Mannan, K., 2013. The diagnosis and management of Morton’s neuroma: a literature review. Foot & ankle specialist, 6(4), pp.307-317.
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Thomas, J.L., Blitch, E.L., Chaney, D.M., Dinucci, K.A., Eickmeier, K., Rubin, L.G., Stapp, M.D. and Vanore, J.V., 2009. Diagnosis and Treatment of Forefoot Disorders. Section 3. Morton's Intermetatarsal Neuroma. The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery, 48(2), pp.251-256.
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The following articles contain general information relating to the pathology of sesamoiditis.

Anwar, R., Anjum, S.N. and Nicholl, J.E., 2005. Sesamoids of the foot. Current orthopaedics, 19(1), pp.40-48.
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Boike, A., Schnirring-Judge, M. and McMillin, S., 2011. Sesamoid disorders of the first metatarsophalangeal joint. Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery, 28(2), pp.269-285.
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First MTP Joint dysfunction

The following articles contain general information relating to the pathology of 1st metatarsophalangeal joint dysfunction.

Durrant, B. and Chockalingam, N., 2009. Functional hallux limitus: a review. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 99(3), pp.236-243.
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Halstead, J. and Redmond, A.C., 2006. Weight-bearing passive dorsiflexion of the hallux in standing is not related to hallux dorsiflexion during walking. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 36(8), pp.550-556.
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Payne, C., Chuter, V. and Miller, K., 2002. Sensitivity and specificity of the functional hallux limitus test to predict foot function. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 92(5), pp.269-271.
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Recent Documents

Hallux valgus

The following articles contain general information relating to the pathology of hallux valgus.

Doty, J.F. and Coughlin, M.J., 2013. Hallux valgus and hypermobility of the first ray: facts and fiction. International orthopaedics, 37(9), pp.1655-1660.
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Hart, E.S. and Grottkau, B.E., 2008. Current concepts in the treatment of hallux valgus. Orthopaedic Nursing, 27(5), pp.274-280.
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Robinson, A.H.N. and Limbers, J.P., 2005. Modern concepts in the treatment of hallux valgus. Bone & Joint Journal, 87(8), pp.1038-1045.
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Toe deformities

The following articles contain general information relating to the pathology of toe deformities.

Najefi, A.A., Jeyaseelan, L. and Welck, M., 2018. Turf toe: a clinical update. EFORT open reviews, 3(9), pp.501-506.
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Schrier, J.C., Verheyen, C.C. and Louwerens, J.W., 2009. Definitions of hammer toe and claw toe: an evaluation of the literature. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 99(3), pp.194-197.
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Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 01/08/2024

Next review date: 01/08/2025

Approved By: British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists (BAPO)

Reviewer name(s): British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists (BAPO) Professional Affairs Committee , Laura Barr.