Evidence for orthotic treatment of the forefoot

Footwear advice

Systematic Reviews

Hutchins, S., Bowker, P., Geary, N. and Richards, J., 2009. The biomechanics and clinical efficacy of footwear adapted with rocker profiles—evidence in the literature. The Foot, 19(3), pp.165-170.
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Kunnasegaran, R. and Thevendran, G., 2015. Hallux Rigidus: Nonoperative Treatment and Orthotics. Foot and ankle clinics, 20(3), pp.401-412.
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Robinson, A.H.N. and Limbers, J.P., 2005. Modern concepts in the treatment of hallux valgus. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. British volume, 87(8), pp.1038-1045.
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Randomised Controlled Trials

van der Zwaard, B.C., Poppe, E., Vanwanseele, B., van der Horst, H.E. and Elders, P.J., 2014. Development and evaluation of a leaflet containing shoe advice: a randomized controlled trial. Family practice, 31(3), pp.267-272.
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van der Zwaard, B.C., van der Horst, H.E., Knol, D.L., Vanwanseele, B. and Elders, P.J., 2014. Treatment of forefoot problems in older people: a randomized clinical trial comparing podiatric treatment with standardized shoe advice. The Annals of Family Medicine, 12(5), pp.432-440.
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Cohort Studies

Borchgrevink, G.E., Viset, A.T., Witsø, E., Schei, B. and Foss, O.A., 2016. Does the use of high-heeled shoes lead to fore-foot pathology? A controlled cohort study comprising 197 women. Foot and Ankle Surgery, 22(4), pp.239-243.
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Laboratory Studies

Mündermann, A., Nigg, B.M., Stefanyshyn, D.J. and Humble, R.N., 2002. Development of a reliable method to assess footwear comfort during running. Gait & posture, 16(1), pp.38-45.
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Adaptations to footwear

Randomised Controlled Trials

Menz, H.B., Auhl, M., Tan, J.M., Levinger, P., Roddy, E. and Munteanu, S.E., 2016. Biomechanical effects of prefabricated foot orthoses and rocker‐sole footwear in individuals with first metatarsophalangeal joint osteoarthritis. Arthritis care & research, 68(5), pp.603-611.
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Menz, H.B., Auhl, M., Tan, J.M., Levinger, P., Roddy, E. and Munteanu, S.E., 2017. Predictors of response to prefabricated foot orthoses or rocker-sole footwear in individuals with first metatarsophalangeal joint osteoarthritis. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 18(1), p.185.
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Cohort Studies

Hackney, J.M., Hunt, G., Lerche, F. and Smith, J., 2010. mechanism And Effectiveness Of An External Shoe Modification In Reducing Metatarsalgia Symptoms: opl39. journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical, 40(1), pp.A27-A28.
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Hackney, J.M., Hunt, G.C., Lerche, F.F., Voi, P. and Smith, J.W., 2010. An external shoe modification for reducing metatarsal head pressure in people with metatarsalgia. JPO: Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics, 22(1), pp.37-42.
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Menz, H.B., Auhl, M., Tan, J.M., Levinger, P., Roddy, E. and Munteanu, S.E., 2016. Effectiveness of Foot Orthoses Versus Rocker‐Sole Footwear for First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Osteoarthritis: Randomized Trial. Arthritis care & research, 68(5), pp.581-589.
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Case Series

Drakos, M.C., Fiore, R., Murphy, C. and DiGiovanni, C.W., 2015. Plantar-plate disruptions: “the severe turf-toe injury.” three cases in contact athletes. Journal of athletic training, 50(5), pp.553-560.
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Laboratory Studies

Brown, D., Wertsch, J.J., Harris, G.F., Klein, J. and Janisse, D., 2004. Effect of rocker soles on plantar pressures1. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 85(1), pp.81-86.
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Myers, K.A., Long, J.T., Klein, J.P., Wertsch, J.J., Janisse, D. and Harris, G.F., 2006. Biomechanical implications of the negative heel rocker sole shoe: gait kinematics and kinetics. Gait & posture, 24(3), pp.323-330.
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Prescription footwear

Systematic Reviews

Robinson, A.H.N. and Limbers, J.P., 2005. Modern concepts in the treatment of hallux valgus. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. British volume, 87(8), pp.1038-1045.
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Hutchins, S., Bowker, P., Geary, N. and Richards, J., 2009. The biomechanics and clinical efficacy of footwear adapted with rocker profiles—evidence in the literature. The Foot, 19(3), pp.165-170.
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Matthews, B.G., Hurn, S.E., Harding, M.P., Henry, R.A. and Ware, R.S., 2019. The effectiveness of non-surgical interventions for common plantar digital compressive neuropathy (Morton’s neuroma): a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 12.
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Systematic Reviews

Hawke, F. and Burns, J., 2012. Brief report: custom foot orthoses for foot pain: what does the evidence say?. Foot & ankle international, 33(12), pp.1161-1163.
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Kunnasegaran, R. and Thevendran, G., 2015. Hallux Rigidus: Nonoperative Treatment and Orthotics. Foot and ankle clinics, 20(3), pp.401-412.
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Robinson, A.H.N. and Limbers, J.P., 2005. Modern concepts in the treatment of hallux valgus. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. British volume, 87(8), pp.1038-1045.
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Shereff, M.J. and Baumhauer, J.F., 1998. Current Concepts Review-Hallux Rigidus and Osteoarthrosis of the First Metatarsophalangeal Joint. JBJS, 80(6), pp.898-908.
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Randomised Controlled Trials

de Oliveira, H.A.V., Natour, J., Vassalli, M., Rosenfeld, A., Jennings, F. and Jones, A., 2019. Effectiveness of customized insoles in patients with Morton’s neuroma: a randomized, controlled, double-blind clinical trial. Clinical rehabilitation, 33(12), pp.1898-1907.
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Gordillo-Fernández, L.M., Ortiz-romero, M., Valero-Salas, J., Salcini-Macías, J.L., Benhamu-Benhamu, S., García-de-la-Peña, R. and Cervera-Marin, J.A., 2016. Effect by custom-made foot orthoses with added support under the first metatarso-phalangeal joint in hallux limitus patients: Improving on first metatarso-phalangeal joint extension. Prosthetics and orthotics international, 40(6), pp.668-674.
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Menz, H.B., Auhl, M., Tan, J.M., Levinger, P., Roddy, E. and Munteanu, S.E., 2016. Biomechanical effects of prefabricated foot orthoses and rocker‐sole footwear in individuals with first metatarsophalangeal joint osteoarthritis. Arthritis care & research, 68(5), pp.603-611.
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Menz, H.B., Auhl, M., Tan, J.M., Levinger, P., Roddy, E. and Munteanu, S.E., 2017. Predictors of response to prefabricated foot orthoses or rocker-sole footwear in individuals with first metatarsophalangeal joint osteoarthritis. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 18(1), p.185.
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Cohort Studies

Becerro de Bengoa Vallejo, R., Gómez, R.S. and Losa Iglesias, M.E., 2016. Clinical improvement in functional hallux limitus using a cut-out orthosis. Prosthetics and orthotics international, 40(2), pp.215-223.
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Chang, B.C., Liu, D.H., Chang, J.L., Lee, S.H. and Wang, J.Y., 2014. Plantar pressure analysis of accommodative insole in older people with metatarsalgia. Gait & posture, 39(1), pp.449-454.
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Doty, J.F., Alvarez, R.G., Ervin, T.B., Heard, A., Gilbreath, J. and Richardson, N.S., 2015. Biomechanical evaluation of custom foot orthoses for hallux valgus deformity. The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery, 54(5), pp.852-855.
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Farzadi, M., Safaeepour, Z., Mousavi, M.E. and Saeedi, H., 2015. Effect of medial arch support foot orthosis on plantar pressure distribution in females with mild-to-moderate hallux valgus after one month of follow-up. Prosthetics and orthotics international, 39(2), pp.134-139.
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Jerilyn, T.X., Menz, H.B., Murley, G.S. and Munteanu, S.E., 2016. Effectiveness of shoe stiffening inserts for first metatarsophalangeal joint osteoarthritis: a proof-of-concept study. American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation, 95(2), pp.103-111.
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Männikkö, K. and Sahlman, J., 2017. The Effect of Metatarsal Padding on Pain and Functional Ability in Metatarsalgia. Scandinavian Journal of Surgery, 106(4), pp.332-337.
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Menz, H.B., Auhl, M., Tan, J.M., Levinger, P., Roddy, E. and Munteanu, S.E., 2016. Effectiveness of Foot Orthoses Versus Rocker‐Sole Footwear for First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Osteoarthritis: Randomized Trial. Arthritis care & research, 68(5), pp.581-589.
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Peck, C.N., Macleod, A. and Barrie, J., 2012. Lesser metatarsophalangeal instability: presentation, management, and outcomes. Foot & ankle international, 33(7), pp.565-570.
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Welsh, B.J., Redmond, A.C., Chockalingam, N. and Keenan, A.M., 2010. A case-series study to explore the efficacy of foot orthoses in treating first metatarsophalangeal joint pain. Journal of foot and ankle research, 3(1), p.17.
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Case Studies

Williams, T.H., Pasapula, C. and Robinson, A.H., 2009. Complete sesamoid agenesis: a rare cause of first ray metatarsalgia. Foot & ankle international, 30(5), pp.465-467.
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Laboratory Studies

Meardon, S.A., Edwards, W.B., Ward, E. and Derrick, T.R., 2009. Effects of custom and semi-custom foot orthotics on second metatarsal bone strain during dynamic gait simulation. Foot & ankle international, 30(10), pp.998-1004.
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Mündermann, A., Nigg, B.M., Stefanyshyn, D.J. and Humble, R.N., 2002. Development of a reliable method to assess footwear comfort during running. Gait & posture, 16(1), pp.38-45.
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Toe splint

Current evidence suggests that splinting is ineffective in the treatment of Hallux Valgus

Randomised Controlled Trials

Plaass, C., Karch, A., Koch, A., Wiederhoeft, V., Ettinger, S., Claassen, L., Daniilidis, K., Yao, D. and Stukenborg-Colsman, C., 2020. Short term results of dynamic splinting for hallux valgus—A prospective randomized study. Foot and Ankle Surgery, 26(2), pp.146-150.
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