

  • Highland HSCP only
  • Secondary Care only
  • Adults and Children

Special requirement protocols for blood component products

This guideline outlines the rationale for the application of a 'special requirement' protocol to a patient's blood transfusion e-record in BTS. 

In most cases this refers to a patient's need for irradiated cellular blood components, but is also required in other specific settings. 

The majority of these patients are Haematology patients but a small number may not be known to Haematology, eg, neonatal indications, pregnancy. 

If you are unsure as to whether a protocol is required, please call Haematology via:

  • The on call system
  • Bleep 2194
  • Duty Haematology Consultant email
  • Or phone via Switchboard

Indications for special requirement protocols

Indications for special requirement protocols are summarised below (see form for detail):


  • Time-limited indication around stem cell harvest and transplant.
  • All Hodgkin lymphoma
  • Following certain drugs: purine analogues, ATG/ALG, alemtuzumab (Campath)
  • Some neonates.

CMV negativity

  • Pregnancy
  • Some neonates
  • Selected stem cell transplant patients.

Other special requirements

  • Prior to anti CD38 and CD47 antibody treatments
  • Washed red cells (rarely)
  • In major haemoglobinopathy patients, eg, sickle cell disease, B Thalassaemia major (not trait cases).


A form will be required to formalise this process and improve documentation.

This should be initiated by the medic adding the protocol and signed by the Haematology Consultant/SAS and the BTS lab, before it becomes available on SCI at completion.

Further information for Health Care Professionals


  • BTS: Blood Transfusion Service
  • SNBTS: Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service
  • CMV: cytomegalovirus
  • ATG/ALG: anti-thymocyte/lymphocyte globulin (immune treatment for certain rare conditions)

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 27/06/2024

Next review date: 30/06/2025

Author(s): Haematology.

Version: 1.1

Approved By: TAMSG of the ADTC

Reviewer name(s): Dr F Buckley.

Document Id: TAM638