Embolism prophylaxis for patients with non-valvular, persistent or permanent atrial fibrillation (Guidelines)



  • Highland HSCP
  • Adults only
  • Primary and Secondary Care

Non-valvular AF applies to all patients with AF except those with significant mitral stenosis or metal valve replacements. 


CHA2DS2VASc scoring

CHA2DS2VASc scoring
Congestive heart failure (inc LVD) 1
Hypertension 1
Aged 75 or more 2
Diabetes 1
Stroke/ TIA/ thromboembolism 2
Vascular disease (prior MI, PAD or aortic plaque) 1
Aged 65 to 74 1
Sex category: female 1

On-line calculators:


  • Consider restoration of sinus rhythm in patients in atrial fibrillation for less than 1 year where there is no significant structural heart disease.
  • In asymptomatic patients, over 65 years of age, there is no justification in restoring sinus rhythm.
  • Elective anticoagulation with apixaban or another DOAC for 4 weeks prior to direct current cardioversion is required unless the patient is already well established on warfarin. 
  • Continue anticoagulation for at least 1 month after cardioversion as the recurrence rate and embolic risk extend into the period after restoration of sinus rhythm.
  • Patients with risk factors for thromboembolism should remain on an anticoagulant (preferably warfarin) indefinitely, even if sinus rhythm is restored. Otherwise, discontinue oral anticoagulant one month post-cardioversion, if ECG shows sinus rhythm

Prescribing information

For full details see BNF and SPC.

First-line: Apixaban

  • Avoid if creatinine clearance is less than 15mL/min

Second-line: alternative DOAC


  • Avoid if creatinine clearance less than 15mL/min


  • Avoid if creatinine clearance less than 15mL/min
  • To be taken with food


  • Avoid if creatinine clearance less than 30mL/min
  • Patient must be able to swallow capsule whole before prescribing.
  • Unsuitable for storage in monitored dosage systems (MDS).

Alterative: Warfarin

  • Initiating warfarin: LMWH is not usually required to cover slow initiation of warfarin.
  • For patients who fail to achieve more than 60% time in therapeutic range on warfarin, consider switching to apixaban, or another DOAC, if no contra-indication is present.
  • Moving from warfarin to a DOAC: see Anticoagulant switching guidance


  • Many contra-indications to warfarin therapy will also apply to DOACs, eg, high bleeding risks, coagulation disorders, non-compliance and, for dabigatran only, liver enzymes 2 or more times the upper limit of normal.

Renal function:

  • Monitor renal function before starting a DOAC, and at least annually.


  • Take particular caution especially in the frail elderly where adverse events are higher for almost all medication.


  • ECG: Electrocardiogram
  • LMWH: Low molecular weight heparin
  • MI: Myocardial infarction
  • PAD: Peripheral artery disease
  • DOAC: Direct oral anticoagulant

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 31/05/2024

Next review date: 31/05/2027

Author(s): Cardiology.

Version: 2

Approved By: TAMSG of the ADTC

Reviewer name(s): Dr Peter Clarkson, Consultant Cardiologist.

Document Id: TAM123