Behavioural concerns in preschool aged children (Paediatric Guidelines)


Children can present with behavioural difficulties at different times in their lives and for various reasons.

Children’s behavioural difficulties will be identified in numerous ways, e.g. through a Health Visitor core contact, a parent goes to see the GP or the child’s preschool establishment identifies a concern.

The aim of this pathway is to provide timely and proportionate support to children and their families so they receive the right kind of help at the right time (For Highland's Children 4)

Just Ask

Do you have a question about the development or wellbeing of a child or young person in Highland?
Call on Tuesdays or Thursdays, 1–4pm. A health or educational professional will call back within a few days.

Staff usually available are-

  • Dietitians
  • Educational Psychologists
  • Preschool Home Visiting Teachers
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Physiotherapists
  • Primary Mental Health Workers
  • Speech and Language therapists
  • School nurses
  • Autism Practitioner
  • Community Learning Disability Nurses
  • Infant feeding support workers

Please call us on 0300 303 1365.

If you want to make a request for assistance please contact the appropriate department directly. Just ask is an enquiry service only.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 18/12/2019

Next review date: 31/12/2024

Author(s): Paediatric Department .

Approved By: TAM Subgroup of ADTC

Reviewer name(s): L Henderson, Consultant Paediatrician.

Document Id: TAM437