Use with caution as high risk of Clostridioides difficile; change to an alternative agent where possible, according to Microbiology results.


Important: Therapy notes

  • Cefalexin is only suitable for the treatment of urinary-tract infections.
  • Use with caution as high risk of Clostridium difficile; change to an alternative agent where possible, according to Microbiology results.

Important: Formulation and dosage details


Capsules 250mg, 500mg

Important: Formulation and dosage details


Oral suspension 125mg/5mL, 250mg/5mL


Important: Therapy notes

  • Use with caution as high risk of Clostridium difficile; change to an alternative agent where possible, according to Microbiology results.

Important: Formulation and dosage details


Tablets 200mg


In gonorrheoa, 400mg as a single dose off-label.


Important: Therapy notes

  • For patients with an eGFR of less than 10mL/min/1·73m2 with hepatic impairment, switch therapy to cefotaxime and dose as per Renal Handbook.
  • Use with caution as high risk of Clostridium difficile; change to an alternative agent where possible, according to Microbiology results.

Important: Formulation and dosage details


Injection 250mg, 1 gram, 2 grams


Important: Therapy notes

  • Use with caution as high risk of Clostridium difficile; change to an alternative agent where possible, according to Microbiology results.

Important: Formulation and dosage details


Tablets 250mg

Important: Formulation and dosage details


Suspension 125mg/5mL

Important: Formulation and dosage details


Injection 250mg, 750mg, 1·5 grams


Important: Therapy notes

  • Use as alternative to ceftriaxone for patients with an eGFR of less than 10mL/min/1·73m2 with hepatic impairment; dose as per Renal Handbook.
  • Use with caution as high risk of Clostridium difficile; change to an alternative agent where possible, according to Microbiology results.

Important: Formulation and dosage details


Injection 500mg, 1 gram


Important: Therapy notes

  • Reserve for limited indications, contact Microbiology for advice.
  • Use with caution as high risk of Clostridium difficile; change to an alternative agent where possible, according to Microbiology results.

Important: Formulation and dosage details


Injection 500mg, 1 gram, 2 grams

Editorial Information

Document Id: F257