Vaccines and antisera (Formulary)



  • Primary and Secondary Care
  • Adults and Children



  • Advice on any aspect of immunisation is available from the Health Protection Team via telephone: 01463 704886 or email:


Vaccination Clinics

Patient Group Directions

UK immunisation schedule

All vaccines provided as part of the UK immunisation schedule are supplied by the NHS.

The following links provide up to date information on the UK immunisation schedules and should be referred to alongside The Green Book Immunisation against infectious disease

  1. UKHSA Complete routine immunisation schedule:
    • For PDF print version click here
    • Routine immunisation schedule
    • Additional vaccines for individuals with underlying medical conditions
    • Selective immunisation programmes
  2. UKHSA Routine childhood immunisations schedule:
    • For PDF print version, click here
  3. Other, separate schedules:

Vaccines and antitoxins for specific risk groups

These should be provided on NHS prescription when indicated for individual and clinical at-risk groups. Refer to The Green Book: immunisation against infectious disease

Vaccine components Brands available Prescription status (NHS or Private) and additional info
Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) (intradermal)
  • SSI®


For those in risk groups in accordance with the procedure on Intranet for the identification and treatment of individuals in Highland who require tuberculin skin testing and/or BCG

May also be prescribed by clinicians when contacts of cases are referred by Public Health.
Botulism antitoxin  


On the advice of Microbiology.

Hepatitis A
(single component)

  • Avaxim®
  • Havrix Monodose®
  • Havrix Junior Monodose®
  • Vaqta® Paediatric
  • Vaqta® Adult


In accordance with the Highland BBV Managed Clinical Network Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B Vaccination Strategy.
Hepatitis A and hepatitis B
  • Ambirix®
  • Twinrix®


In accordance with the Highland BBV Managed Clinical Network Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B Vaccination Strategy.

Hepatitis B
(single component)

  • Fendrix®
  • HBvaxPRO®


For individuals in high-risk groups (see Green Book)

Excludes travellers and those immunised for occupational risk  

Employer (not employee) to be charged for occupational immunisation

Fendrix can be used for patients with renal insufficiency aged 15 and over.

HBvaxPRO can be used for adult dialysis and pre-dialysis patients

See: The Green Book, Ch 18
Influenza inactivated (split virion, surface antigen, virosomal)
  • Seasonal influenza


for risk groups as defined in annual letter.
Influenza, live attenuated
  • Fluenz® Tetra
To be rolled out to all children 2 to 17 years in risk groups as defined in annual CMO letter.

Meningococcal A, C, W135 & Y conjugate

  • Menveo®
  • Nimenrix®


Only when advised by Health Protection Team as part of the public health management of cases of infection.

Meningococcal B
  • Bexsero®
For use in patients with asplenia, hyposplenia and complement disorders. See Green Book and policy.
Palivizumab (see: The Green Book, Ch 5)
  • Synagis®


To protect specified groups of infants at risk of serious Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) infection. See:  SGHD/CMO(2010)22 

Pneumococcal polysaccharide (23 valent) (PPV)

  • Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine Sanofi Pasteur MSD


Not recommended for children under 2 years of age

See: Prevention of sepsis in asplenic patients policy.  
  • Rabies vaccine
  • Rabipur®


For pre-exposure prophylaxis in high-risk occupational groups and post-exposure prophylaxis following the advice of the Health Protection Team.

Tuberculin PPD RT 23 SSI

2 units/0·1mL (routine use), and 10 units/0·1mL

  • SSI®


for Mantoux Test; refer to NHS Highland protocol (as for BCG)

Varicella-zoster live 
  • Varilrix®


Only for risk groups as per The Green Book. Ch 34.
Varicella-zoster live attenuated 
  • Shingrix®


For all eligible adults groups as per CMO letter

Travel vaccines and medicines

Vaccines for travel

The NHS Highland Community Pharmacy Travel Health Service aims to provide a patient centred, accessible, consistent and comprehensive travel service for patients requiring travel assessment, vaccination, medicines and advice.  Patients should be directed to the following links for current providers of the Travel Health Service and for further information. 

Patient information:

  • NHS Highland: Travel vaccines 
  • Fit for Travel
  • Advise patients that travel vaccinations aim to minimise risk and not eliminate it. Few vaccines offer 100% protection against disease.
  • Many travellers do not allow a sufficient time period for the full and licensed vaccination schedule to be administered. In some cases, a shortened or rapid schedule can be given and offers more protection than no vaccination at all. If there has been a deviation from the licensed vaccination schedule, it is recommended that healthcare professionals counsel the patient and advise of the increased risk as a result.
  • Hospital pharmacies do NOT stock or supply vaccines solely used as travel vaccines.
Vaccine components Brands available Prescription status (NHS or private) and additional information
Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) intradermal SSI®

For those under 16 years of age who are going to live with local people for more than 3 months in a high risk country. Refer to: Procedure for the identification and treatment of individuals in Highland who require tuberculin skin testing and/or BCG vaccination (intranet access required)

Cholera1,2 Dukoral® (oral suspension)

No longer recommended for routine use.
It can be offered to humanitarian aid and relief workers, and travellers with remote itineraries in areas of cholera outbreaks who have limited access to safe water and medical care.

Diptheria (adsorbed diphtheria (low-dose), tetanus and poliomyelitis (inactivated), adults and children over 10 years)  Revaxis®

For individuals aged 10 years and over.

Hepatitis A single component Avaxim®
Havrix Monodose®
Havrix Junior Monodose®
Vaqta® Paediatric
Vaqta® Adult
Hepatitis A and hepatitis B (combined) Ambirix®
Hepatitis B single component Engerix B®
Japanese encephalitis1,2 Ixiaro® Private
Meningococcal A, C, W135 and Y conjugate Menveo®
Poliomyelitis (adsorbed diphtheria (low-dose), tetanus and poliomyelitis (inactivated), adults and children over 10 years) Revaxis® NHS
Rabies Rabies vaccine
Tetanus (adsorbed diphtheria (low-dose), tetanus and poliomyelitis (inactivated), adults and children over 10 years) Revaxis® NHS
Tick-borne encephalitis1,2 TicoVac®
TicoVac® preparations
Typhoid1 Typhim Vi®
Vivotif® live oral
Yellow fever1,2 Stamaril® Private
Only from yellow fever vaccination centres.
1. Not stocked in Highland Hospitals   2. Non-Formulary

Medicines for travel

Malaria prophylaxis

National decisions on prescription status are based on the balance of personal risk versus population risk. Antimalarials should not be prescribed for prophylaxis on the NHS; a private prescription must be issued. Community pharmacies can advise on and sell non-prescription antimalarial medicines over the counter. Community pharmacies can also advise on other issues related to travel medicine. In addition to Travax, additional information is available at Home - Fit for Travel

Taking medicines out of the UK

Patients requiring regular repeat medication for a stable pre-existing illness may be supplied with an NHS prescription for a maximum of three months treatment, to provide treatment for the journey and until further supplies can be secured at the destination.

If patients are to be out of the UK for longer than this then they may require on-going medical review and it would be more appropriate to provide a letter detailing the patient’s medicines until they can make arrangements to get further supplies of medicines at their destination.

Advice for patients requesting medicines for taking on extended holidays and for taking prescribed controlled drugs outside the UK is available at NHS Choices: Can I take my medicine abroad?

Prophylactic medication

A person is not entitled to NHS provision of drugs where there is no existing condition. Any requests for items to be prescribed in case of illnesses contracted whilst travelling abroad (eg ciprofloxacin or oral rehydration sachets for diarrhoea) are a private transaction.

Further information on vaccines and medicines for travel:

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 29/02/2024

Next review date: 28/02/2027

Author(s): Health Protection Team, Public Health.

Version: 2

Approved By: TAMSG of the ADTC

Reviewer name(s): Lynda Davidson, Health Protection Nurse Specialist, Gayle MacDonald, Vaccine Pharmacist.

Document Id: F252