Diagnostic and monitoring devices for diabetes (Formulary)
Patients who SHOULD monitor glucose | Patients who do NOT need to monitor glucose | Patients who should be CONSIDERED for glucose monitoring |
Individuals with insulin treated diabetes or being considered for insulin Individuals with type 2 diabetes at risk of hypoglycaemia Individuals who require to undertake blood glucose monitoring under DVLA regulations (www.gov.uk/diabetes-driving) Pregnant women with diabetes. |
Patients with type 2 diabetes managed with: Diet and exercise Combinations of: |
On steroids At risk of hypoglycaemia Elderly on sulfonylurea At initiation of therapy Renal impairment High alcohol intake Agreed management plan. |
Testing UPTO 4 times per day is appropriate for: | Testing MORE THAN 4 times per day may be required for: |
Patients with type 2 diabetes using or being considered for insulin injectable therapy Patients advised on an individual basis by an appropriate health care professional Patients requiring short-term glucose testing. |
Patients with type 1 diabetes Children Evidence of impaired hypoglycaemia awareness During pregnancy (including gestational diabetes) Patients managed with a continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII by pump) Control is poor or unstable; reduce testing frequency again when control is improved Specific patients as advised by the specialist team Patients who are carbohydrate counting Other selected circumstances, eg for occupational reasons. |