Noradrenaline (Critical Care Formulary)



  • Highland Health and Social Care Partnership only
  • Critical Care areas only
  • Adults only


For use in Critical Care Areas for Adults only.  Administer via central line only.


  • Noradrenaline exhibits marked inotropic (beta-1) and vasopressor (alpha-1) effects.
  • Half-life = 2.5 to 5 minutes.


  • Hypotension in the absence of hypovolaemia (correct this first) eg in sepsis where there is low peripheral resistance.
  • May be used as an alternative inotrope to adrenaline in cardiogenic shock eg in post-resuscitation phase.


  • Some brands contain sodium metabisulphite; caution if previous sensitivity.
  • Caution in patients taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants and linezolid due to risk of hypertension and arrhythmias.


  • Ready-to-use vials containing 4mg in 50mL (single strength).
  • Ready-to-use vials containing 8mg in 50mL (double strength).
  • Ampoules containing 4mg in 4mL.  Use only for preparing quad strength noradrenaline.


  • Use ready-to-use preparations wherever possible. Use caution when selecting strength.
  • Always start treatment using single strength preparation and titrate to response. If the infusion is running at ≥ 10mL/hour, consider changing to a more concentrated preparation.
  • If ready-to-use preparations unavailable, or preparing quad strength noradrenaline (16mg in 50mL, 320 micrograms/mL), dilute required volume of noradrenaline with glucose 5% to total volume and administer via syringe pump or volumetric infusion.
    • Only use quad strength for patients requiring high infusion rates.  Ready-to-use preparations are safer.
    • For patients on high rates of quad strength noradrenaline, consider preparing in 100mL bag and giving via a volumetric pump.
    • Inform pharmacy if using quad strength noradrenaline to ensure sufficient stocks available on unit.
  • Must be given via a dedicated port.


Single strength

Double strength

Quad strength

Syringe pump

Syringe pump

Syringe pump

Volumetric infusion


4mg in 50mL

8mg in 50mL

16mg in 50mL

32mg in 100mL

Ready-to-use preparation available

Yes: use if available
If not available follow instructions below

Yes: use if available
If not available follow instructions below

No: prepare on ward

Drug dose to be added

4mg in 4mL

8mg in 8mL

16mg in 16mL

32mg in 32mL

Diluent to be added

46mL glucose 5%

42mL glucose 5%

34mL glucose 5%

68mL glucose 5%
(Withdraw 32mL glucose 5% from 100mL bag)

Final volume





Final concentration

80 micrograms/mL

160 micrograms/mL

320 micrograms/mL


  • Titrate dose to achieve clinical target.
  • The goal is to maintain an adequate blood pressure to ensure organ perfusion, and usually targeting a mean arterial pressure (MAP) of 65 to 75mmHg or target set by Consultant looking after patient.  Dose required should be guided by heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP), cardiac output, presence of ectopic beats and urine output.
  • Infusions are usually started at 2 to 5mL/hour, and titrated by increasing or reducing the infusion rate by 1mL/hour to achieve target MAP.
  • When stopping the infusion, reduce the rate of infusion gradually.  Abrupt withdrawal can cause acute hypotension.
  • If dose is escalating rapidly, or dose required to achieve clinical target exceeds 0.4 micrograms/kg/minute (highlighted in red in tables below) the doctor must be contacted to discuss further management.  Options include:
    • Addition of another therapy.
    • Sedation level reviewed (ICU only).
    • Cardiac output monitoring commenced (ICU only).
    • Use of hydrocortisone IV 50mg four times daily (in patients with sepsis).
    • A new upper limit may be set.

To calculate dose in micrograms/kg/minute, use tables below, NHS Injectable Medicines Guide (Medusa) for example calculations or the following calculation:

Dose (micrograms/kg/minute) =

Rate (mL/hour) x Concentration (micrograms/mL)
Patient’s weight (kg) x 60


  • 24 hours.
  • Do not allow the syringe or infusion to run out.  A syringe or infusion can be made up to a maximum of one hour in advance and labelled clearly with contents and expiry.  Refer to local nursing guidelines for switching over infusions or syringes.



  • Bradycardia (as a reflex to the increase in blood pressure).
  • Arrhythmias.
  • Ischaemia – peripheral, myocardial, renal or mesenteric.


  • Ensure ECG and blood pressure monitoring is in place.  Invasive blood pressure monitoring is preferred as in hypoperfused or shock states with cool peripheries, non-invasive BP recordings are less reliable.
  • Renal function and urine output.
  • Monitor for tissue ischaemia or necrosis due to vasoconstriction.


Critical Care Group, UKCPA, Intensive Care Society. Standard Medication Concentrations for Continuous Infusions in Adult Critical Care [homepage on the internet]. London: National Health Service; 2020 [updated 2021 Sep 21; cited 21/12/2021]. Available from:

National Health Service. Medusa: NHS Injectable Medicines Guide (online). Accessed via: [accessed on 31/01/22]

Paw S, Shulman R. Handbook of Drugs in Intensive Care. An A-Z Guide. 6th Ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2019.

Phillips B, Barton G, McKenzie C (editors in chief) Critical Illness (online). London: Pharmaceutical Press. Available at: [accessed on 15/12/21]

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 14/02/2023

Next review date: 14/08/2023

Author(s): Critical Care Formulary Development Group.

Approved By: TAM Subgroup

Reviewer name(s): Jane Wylie.

Document Id: AF08