Drug treatments for erectile dysfunction may only be prescribed on the NHS under certain circumstances and the prescription must be endorsed SLS (Selected List Scheme).
Government guidelines on the categories of patients eligible for treatment under the NHS are:
Diabetes mellitus, distress, ED prior to 14/09/98, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, poliomyelitis, prostate cancer, prostatectomy, radical pelvic surgery, renal dialysis or transplant, severe pelvic injury, single gene neurological disease, spina bifida, spinal cord injury.
The following criteria should be considered when assessing distress:
- significant disruption to normal social and occupational activities;
- a marked effect on mood, behaviour, social and environmental awareness;
- a marked effect on interpersonal relationships.
General Practitioners are in the best position to determine whether or not a patient is in ‘severe distress’ as a result of their ED and Urologists are unable to determine this but will in every circumstance ratify a GP’s assessment if a prescription is endorsed SLS.
Specific regimens may be suggested by urology specialists for certain groups of patients such as those following total prostatectomies.