Patient information - Stroke (Guidelines)


Stroke Nurse Follow up post discharge / Clinic

The Stroke Coordinator offers a follow up service for patients who have been inpatients and outpatient stroke services in NHS Highland. She can be contacted on 01463 704086. From August 2023 this service will also be provided by a CHSS stroke nurse.

Information on self management with stroke is available at:


If you want to learn more about stroke we have an on-line stroke training site that anyone can access:


  • Strokeness
    This is a peer support group. Unfortunately due to restrictions the group has not met for some time. Please see their Facebook page for more details.
  • Headway Highland
    Headway has groups that meet across the Highlands for more deals please see their website
  • Oxygen works/MS Centre
    You are able to make use of the facilities at the Oxygen Works by contacting them on: 01463 240365. The group Move4ward has a session here on a Friday for neurological therapy including stroke. For more details and costs please see their website.
  • CHSS volunteer rehabilitation
    Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland offer a number of community services across the Highland. In August 2023 a CHSS stroke nurse service will be introduced. CHSS also offer, peer support groups, Kindness call service and a community volunteer rehabilitation service. For more information go to: or call the helpline on 0808 801 0899

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 20/06/2023

Next review date: 30/06/2026

Author(s): Stroke and Rehab Department .

Version: 1.2

Approved By: TAM Subgroup of ADTC

Reviewer name(s): L Campbell, Stroke Co-ordinator.

Document Id: TAM401