- Lifestyle information on healthy eating, smoking cessation and the benefits of regular exercise should be shared with the patient and their family
- CHSS stroke information pack will be given to all patients and will include Guide to Recovery at Home booklet
- Signpost patients to SelfHelp4Stroke website
- Signpost carers and family members to Stroke4Carerswebsite
High Life Highland develops and promotes opportunities in culture, learning, sport, leisure, health and wellbeing across nine services throughout the whole of the Highlands – www.highlifehighland.com
Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland: www.chss.org contains stroke information and signposts to other useful sites.
Exercise after Stroke Pathway (Guidelines)
This protocol has been developed to guide stroke survivors, their family/carers and health professionals to promote exercise participation and healthy living after stroke.
The Stroke Improvement Programme (2021) recommends that stroke patients being discharged home from hospital should have access to appropriately resourced, evidence–based exercise after stroke services. Further to this it recommends that patients with stroke are given advice about increasing their physical activity. This should include exercise classes run by physiotherapists in rehabilitation settings, run by community-based leisure centres (either stroke specific or mixed) and /or physical activity sessions run by local charities.
Stroke Improvement Plan (2014) 8.2 recommends that stroke patients being discharged home from hospital should have access to appropriately resourced, evidence–based exercise after stroke services. Further to this it recommends that patients with stroke are given advice about increasing their physical activity.
- Prior to discharge there will be discussion with the patient and / or their family regarding enablement at home
- This may include a Home Exercise Programme, a Daily Walking Programme and other individual tailored exercise to continue rehabilitation
- An 8-week Neuro Physiotherapy class is available for those assessed and appropriate to participate
- High Life Highland have leisure and sports facilities across Highland: www.highlifehighland.com
- Leisure cards can be purchased at a reduced rate for those on a low income
- Individual exercise programmes can be developed with the leisure centre personal trainers
- Private leisure centres and personal trainers can also be accessed throughout Highland if this is the stroke survivor's preference
- Patients can be supported in their exercise programmes by CHSSvolunteers
- This service should be discussed with the patient and /or their family and a referral made and sent to the local coordinator
- Self-referrals can also be made
- Referrals will be assessed, visited and a tailored programme developed