- It is recommended that all non-trauma patients with chest drains, or potential chest drains are discussed with the on-call respiratory consultant
- Available: Monday to Friday, 0900 to 1700, via Raigmore switchboard.
- This drain maybe inserted locally if skills permit. Local anaesthetists / surgeons may be able to help.
- If drain insertion is not required immediately and there is no local expertise then a referral should be made to the on-call respiratory consultant:
- Available: Monday to Friday 0900 to 1700, via Raigmore switchboard.
- Outwith these hours: Discuss with on-call Raigmore consultant physician.
Management of medical chest drains (Guidelines)
- Highland HSCP only
- Secondary care only
- Adults only
This is not a comprehensive document on how to insert an intrapleural (chest) drain or the indications for inserting a drain.
This guidance is primarily targeted at helping clinicians decide where to look after a patient with a medical chest drain in situ.
The presumption is that most patients should be looked after on the respiratory ward in Raigmore, but there will be situations, particularly related to frailty or patient choice, when a patient with a chest drain in situ may be looked after in a rural general hospital.
This guidance aims to support those clinicians looking after someone with an intrapleural (chest) drain outwith the respiratory ward.