Neuropsychology referral (Guidelines)



  • Highland HSCP only
  • Secondary Care only
  • Adults only

Neuropsychology aligns with acute hospital services based at Raigmore.

Neuropsychology provides outpatient neuropsychological assessment and rehabilitation for adults with actual or suspected neurological diagnosis.

The service has a focus on cognitive assessment, aiding differential diagnosis and providing brief goal-based intervention.

Referrals are received via NHSH hospital-based consultants, nurse specialists and health professionals aligned with:

  • Neurology
  • Rehabilitation Medicine

Please do not hesitate to contact the service to discuss a specific referral query: 01463 704 511

Referral criteria

  • Outpatient.
  • Adult (aged over 18 years).
  • Resident within North Highland Health and Social Care Partnership.
  • Referred by, and under the care of, a Consultant Neurologist, Consultant in Rehabilitation Medicine or their team within Raigmore Hospital, NHS Highland.
  • Referred in the context of established or suspected neurological diagnosis for example:
    • Acquired brain injury
    • Epilepsy
    • Multiple sclerosis


  • Current inpatient.
  • Request for differential cognitive assessment where dementia suspected.
  • Learning Disability.
  • Neurodevelopmental disorders for example:
    • investigation for ADHD
    • ASD
    • Dyslexia
    • FAS
  • Pain or adjustment difficulties in the context of physical health condition.
  • Active psychiatric disturbance or alcohol excess.

Consultation pathways

Please note that these pathways are for presenting cognitive symptoms (in line with referral criteria detailed above) and not for adjustment or mental health concerns (such as anxiety and depression symptoms).

Referral for assessment of mental health symptoms is best advised via the patient’s GP.

  • Functional Neurological Disorder (FND)
    Consultation can be requested through the functional MDT complex case discussion forum.
    Patients with an established diagnosis are not currently taken on for assessment or treatment.
    Assessment to aid medical differential diagnosis can be requested via the routes above.
  • Stroke
    Neuropsychology consultation and referrals are considered via MDT discussion with the Stroke Co-ordinators and OT lead.
    If you think cognitive assessment / rehabilitation may be useful for your patient, please raise this for attention of the Stroke Co-ordinators in the first instance (Linda Campbell: and / or Gemma MacIvor:


  • ADHD: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  • ASD: Autism spectrum disorder
  • FAS: Foetal alcohol syndrome
  • FND: Functional neurological disorder
  • MDT: Multidisciplinary Team

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 29/08/2024

Next review date: 30/08/2027

Author(s): Neuropsychology, Psychology Directorate.

Version: 1

Approved By: TAMSG of the ADTC

Reviewer name(s): Dr R Sumpter, Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist, Dr E Burton, Senior Principal Clinical Psychologist in Neuropsychology.

Document Id: TAM646

Evidence method
  • Clinical Governance Checklist