The broad objective of the MHAU is to support patients to effectively self-manage their lives and health, thereby reducing distress and improving functioning. MHAU aims to achieve this objective by providing a single point of access to an integrated, community assest-based approach to care, facilitating an efficient journey through mental health services. Meeting this objective can include:
- A detailed mental health assessment, including mental health risk assessment, with appropriate treatment and follow-up arrangements. Clinical contact can be in person, by telephone or by video consultation platforms.
- MHAU crisis intervention would be normally up to 72hrs for those patients assessed as being appropriately managed in the community with intensive support to manage current illness and to enable community based alternatives to hospital care.
- Maintaining a recovery focus in all approaches and making appropriate use of each patient’s personal resources and strengths in every care and treatment plan
- Recognising the continuum of mental health and developing crisis and relapse prevention plans with each patient at the earliest appropriate stage in the care and treatment process
- Working with the patient’s own social system in assessment, crisis resolution and longer-term care and treatment when appropriate and effective
- Making appropriate and effective use of community resources in care and treatment plans Liaising with other statutory and non-statutory service providers as appropriate in order to deliver an integrated service
- Providing a range of interventions which reflect the patients’ needs and preferences, and based upon best available evidence of effectiveness
- Promoting the principles of recovery, personal responsibility, autonomy, and self-management
- Avoiding contributing to harmful dependency on services by promoting autonomy and independence through a strengths-based approach and positive risk management.
- Engaging with members of the patient’s social system assessing their need for support as appropriate.
- Undertaking mental health assessments referred from A&E departments (once any relevant physical health assessment and interventions have been completed) Mental health assessment will not be delayed when the patient has capacity to participate and where medical investigation results are pending which will not impact on decisions relating to medical admission or are likely to be negative.
- Enabling police and ambulance to have direct access to mental health professionals where appropriate and in line with agreed processes
- Ensuring local provision for access to emergency mental health assessment is maintained across the 24 hour period
- Undertaking a specific role within the New Craigs bed management SOP for General Adult admission beds, with staff on duty taking on the tasks from the SOP relevant to the team when this is required. (See departmental standard operating procedures)
- Ensuring that all referrals for admission to New Craigs Hospital must have input from the MHAU and / or the flow co-ordinator to ensure all viable alternatives to admission are considered. These discussions will take place at the daily site run downs where there will be representation from the multi-disciplinary teams who can assist with the decision making process.
Data collection and monitoring
The MHAU / Mental Health Services will collate information on referral sources and assessment outcomes which will be broken down to individual referring services. The aim is to utilise this for a data analysis for service development / governance and feedback to the Scottish Government as part of unscheduled care.