Refer to cellulitis pathwayfor signs and symptoms, possible investigations and differential diagnosis of cellulitis.
Patient with recurrent cellulitis may be:
- Already diagnosed as having lymphoedema
- At risk of lymphoedema with evidence of possible lymphatic compromise:
- Lymph node removal and/or irradiation
- Obstructive/advanced malignant disease
- Chronic venous disease
- Family history of lymphoedema
- Chronic ulceration, wound infection or inflammatory skin condition damaging local lymphatics.
Additional information:
- Cellulitis is both a symptom and cause of lymphoedema
- Medications such as corticosteroids or cancer treatment, may alter the presentation of cellulitis
- Effective use of decongestive and compression therapy is essential in managing oedema, ulceration and skin problems that may lead to recurrent cellulitis: consider referral to lymphoedema practitioner.