Postmenopausal at time of diagnosis of breast cancer defined as:
- Amenorrhoea more than 2 years duration and age over 50 years
If amenorrhoea less than 2 years duration and/or age less than 55 years check LH/FSH/estradiol before chemotherapy
Chemotherapy-induced amennorhoea does not equal postmenopausal
NB: Ovarian function tests are unreliable post-chemotherapy/hormonal therapy
If premenopausal before chemotherapy with persisting chemo-induced amenorrhoea following chemo then at the time of considering an AI:
- over 55 years class as postmenopausal
- 50 to 55 years use assessment of menopausal status before chemotherapy
- less than 50 years old = premenopausal unless ovarian ablation.