TAM (Treatments and Medicines) NHS Highland

Search function is not working.

To access content please go to the home page and chose the content you are looking for using the 'breadcrumb trail'. Ie use the content sections under Therapeutic guidelines or Formulary. 

This has been reported to the software company and will be resolved ASAP. 11/03/2025

TAM mobile app can be used if website is off-line:

  1. Search for Right Decisions on the App Store or Google Play and download app.
  2. Tick 'HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL' to access the relevant information
  3. In ‘All Tooolkits’ search for ‘TAM’, click on this toolkit and click ‘+ Add to my toolkits’
  4. TAM will now be accessible in the ‘My toolkits section’

Contact nhsh.tam@nhs.scot for any issues.