Useful links
Essential resources
- Care Inspectorate Hub
- Care Inspectorate - quality framework and KQ7s
- Care Inspectorate - safe staffing programme
- Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland
- Health and Care Professions Council
- Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland
- My Home Life Charity
- Nursing and Midwifery Council
- Royal College of Nursing
- Scottish Care
- Scottish Social Services Council
- Scottish Human Rights Commission
- Volunteer Scotland - tips and templates
Assessing the care home environment
- Care homes for adults: The design guide
- EHE Environmental assessment tool: Is your home dementia friendly?
- MWC: Decisions about technology, good practice guide
- Dementia_-_psychoactive medication-summary.pdf (
- Guidance for providers on safe staffing levels
- Meaningful connections - Annes law
- Personal plans guide - adults
- RAISIN - raising concerns in the workplace
- NMC safe staffing guidelines
- Safer recruitment through better recruitment
Learning resources
- NES: quality improvement zone
- NHS Education Scotland (NES)
- Personal outcomes network recording-and-measuring
- Promoting Excellence 2021: framework for all health and social services staff working with people with dementia, their families and carers
- Self evaluation for improvement - your guide
- Sensible risk assessment in care settings
- SSSC: workforce planning and development
- TURAS: health and care staffing learning site
Scottish Government
- Scottish Government Allied Health Professions
- Scottish Government 2017 Health and Social Care framework: My support, My life
- Scottish Government 2022 My Health, My Care, My Home - healthcare framework for adults living in care home