The aim of the Act is to provide a statutory basis for the provision of appropriate staffing in health and care services, enabling safe and high-quality care and improved outcomes for service users and people experiencing care. This requires the right people, in the right place, with the right skills, at the right time.
The guiding principles of the Act state the main purposes of staffing for care services are:
To provide safe and high-quality services to ensure the best care outcomes for service users
“Staffing for care services is to be arranged while:
- improving standards and outcomes for service users
- taking account of the needs, abilities, characteristics, and circumstances of different service users
- respecting the dignity and rights of service users
- taking account of the views of staff and service users
- ensuring the wellbeing of staff
- being open with staff and service users about decisions on staffing
- allocating staff efficiently and effectively
- promoting multi-disciplinary services as appropriate”
The Act makes it a duty for care service providers to ensure appropriate staffing. This means that a provider of a care service must ensure that at all times suitably qualified and competent staff are working in the care service and that the number of staff is appropriate to support “the health, wellbeing, and safety of service users, the provision of safe and high-quality care, in so far as it affects either of those matters, the wellbeing of staff.”
The Act will also promote open, transparent and participatory approaches to staffing. It aims to ensure that people experiencing care, their family and professional carers are informed and involved in the processes and decisions around staffing in a care service.
In doing so, this builds on existing standards and regulations for staffing in Scotland. When using this staffing method framework, providers should therefore also refer to other relevant guidance. Two essential pieces of guidance to take into consideration for the assessment and planning of staffing in relation to high quality care and good outcomes for people are the Health and Social Care Standards and our Quality Frameworks. Both documents also provide guidance relating to staff skills and training, involvement, participation and transparency.