• History.
  • Physical symptoms, Duration of symptoms.
  • Psychiatric Symptoms.
  • School performance.
  • Other symptoms of autoimmune disease – vitiligo, coeliac etc.
  • Family History of thyroid disease, diabetes, other autoimmune diseases.

Table 1. Prevalence of symptoms reported in BPSU survey (110 cases)

  Total Graves' disease Other cause of thyrotoxicosis
Weight loss 63.64% 67.40% 44.44%
Fatigue / tiredness / lethargy 53.64% 56.60% 38.89%
Change in behaviour 60.00% 53.25% 33.33%
Heat intolerance 47.27% 60.00% 33.33%
Nervousness / anxiety 47.27% 60.00% 33.33%
Increased appetite 47.27% 60.00% 33.33%
Palpitations 25.91% 35.60% 5.56%
Profuse sweating 26.36% 27.20% 22.22%
Deteriorating school performance 22.73% 25.00% 11.25
Headache 21.82% 22.60% 16.67%
Diarrhoea 16.36% 16.25% 16.67%
Asymptomatic (e.g. picked up on screening) 9.09% 8.60% 11.25
Pain in thyroid gland 3.64% 3.25% 5.56%
Weight gain 1.82% 2.20% 0.00%