Management of infants born to mothers with Graves’ Disease and at risk of thyrotoxicosis
Purpose of guideline
Management of infants born to Mother’s with Graves’ disease.
Who should use this guideline
- general paediatricians
- neonatologists
- paediatric endocrinologists
- midwifery staff
- neonatal unit staff
- foetal medicine teams.
Patients to whom this guideline applies
All infants of women with active or historic Graves’ disease, including women who have undergone definitive treatment of Graves’ disease.
Last reviewed: 01/05/2021
Next review date: 01/05/2024
Author: Clinical Guidelines Subgroup
Version: V1
Author email(s):
Approved by: SPEG Guidelines Group, SPEG Steering group
Document ID: NSD610-016.05
We gratefully acknowledge the Division of Endocrinology based at The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto and the Departments of Paediatrics and Physiology at The University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada for much of this guideline is based on their recently published work.