• 1st visit after screening result occurs by day 11 of life.
  • 2nd visit: Subsequent visit should be within 7 to 10 days after starting treatment. At this visit:
    • Carry out thyroid imaging if applicable (isotope scan needs to be performed before this visit).
    • Ensure that fT4 is in the normal range.
    • Ensure that the family is managing OK.
    • Provide further counselling.
  • 3rd visit: Next visit should be 7 to 10 days.

Suggested follow-up intervals after one month of age provided thyroid function tests have normalised

From (age) Until (age) Suggested interval
1 month 6 months 2 to 4 weeks
6 months 1 year 4 to 8 weeks
1 year 5 years 3 to 6 months
5 years Completion of growth 6 to 12 months (if reasonable compliance)

N.B. We would always suggest additional clinic visits following dosage alteration or when there are problems with poor adherence.

At puberty / rapid growth or weight gain, more frequent monitoring is recommended.