Clonidine stimulation test
- Fast the patient overnight (4h for infants), and measure height and weight.
- Calculate surface area from appropriate tables.
- Start the test by 09:00h whenever possible.
Drug(s) Given
Clonidine 150 micrograms per m2 body surface area.
Round the dose up to the nearest 25 micrograms.
How Given
Given orally with a small sugar free drink.
Timing of Administration
Give after the two basal blood samples have been taken.
Time (minutes) | Action |
-30 | Insert a reliable cannula. Take venous blood sample. |
0 | Take venous blood sample. Give oral clonidine dose. |
15 | Take venous blood sample. |
30 | Take venous blood sample. |
60 | Take venous blood sample. |
90 | Take venous blood sample. |
120 | Take venous blood sample. |
150 | Take venous blood sample. |
(Please view this table in landscape mode on mobile devices)
Time (minutes) | ||||||||
-30 | 0 | 15 | 30 | 60 | 90 | 120 | 150 | |
GH | ||||||||
IGF1 | ||||||||
T4, TSH |
- Once the test is completed, make sure the child has had something to eat and drink.
- Side effects of Clonidine (hypotension and drowsiness) may persist for several hours after the test.
- Keep the patient lying down for at least an hour after the test.
- Check pulse and blood pressure half-hourly and also before allowing the child to get up.
- Careful observation of the patient is necessary until late afternoon.
If the plasma GH concentration reaches 6.7 micrograms/L or more, further investigations are not necessary.
If the response is below this level, then an insulin hypoglycaemia test may be necessary.