Dynamic function tests for use in paediatric endocrinology
This handbook is for clinicians managing children with endocrine disorders in Scotland and sets out standard ways of performing dynamic function tests.
This is a consensus document of good practice and evidence where available.
The dynamic function test protocols described in this handbook apply to all tests that can be used in children to assess endocrine disorders.
Some of these tests should only be performed in centres equipped to perform them, and in accordance with the appropriate level of care that the centres are able to provide.
For each test there is a statement as to whether it can be performed in any centre, or only in a tertiary centre which regularly performs the test.
Who should use this guideline
- paediatric endocrinologists
- general paediatricians with an interest in paediatric endocrinology
- paediatric endocrine nurses
- paediatric nurses
- clinical biochemists
- paediatricians in training.
The guideline is not intended for use in primary care.
Last reviewed: 01/08/2023
Next review date: 01/08/2026
Author: Clinical Guidelines Subgroup
Version: V4
Author email(s): nss.speg@nhs.scot
Approved by: SPEG Guidelines Group, SPEG Steering group
Document ID: NSD610-016.08