Purpose of repatriation policy
This policy is written in line with Scottish Trauma Network minimum requirements for rehabilitation and repatriation services for major trauma patients in each of the regional trauma networks. This should read in conjunction with the Scottish Trauma Network Key Performance Indicators and the Quality Framework for Major Trauma Services (NPF 2013) which require Trauma Networks to have in place a Repatriation Policy for:
- The regional network should have in place an agreed policy and Standard Operating Procedure for the repatriation and discharge of patients (adults and paediatrics) developed in conjunction with the Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS).
- Repatriation of patients from the Major Trauma Centres (MTC) at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and Royal Hospital for Children and Young People directly home or to community services.
- Repatriation of South East of Scotland residents being managed out with the region in other major trauma network.
- Repatriation of non Scottish residents to areas out-with Scotland.