Indications for referral to Dr Stretton's echo clinic

Indications for referral:

  • New AF (as per AF guideline) 
  • Known valvular disease: 
  • If moderate or severe and no echo for >12 months 
  • If mild and unexplained change in symptoms 
  • Documented IHD and reduced functional capacity (<4mets) which is unexplained by other causes, especially if patient also has diabetes. 
  • Unexplained SOB and abnormal ECG 


Referral pathway: 

POA nurses can refer directly if happy with indication 


Put notes on shelf for anaesthetic review with query ‘is referral to Dr Stretton’s cardiac echo clinic indicated?’ 


POA nurses can add patient to clinic list on TRAK 


If the wait for Dr Stretton’s clinic is too long refer for standard OP echo 



Clinic will be held once every 4 weeks on a Thursday 

Dr Stretton is a level 1 BSE echocardiographer and is able to assess left and right ventricular function, valvular abnormalities with colour doppler and for structural abnormalities. She will refer directly for any patients requiring a more detailed ECHO assessment. 

Reports will look slightly different to normal