Action Card 5: Critical Care Consultant 5 (CCC5)



  • To coordinate clinical activity in Green ICU  (2nd floor)
  • Support and communicate with CCC1 in theatre control room
  • Consultant contact for inpatient medical emergency/cardiac arrest team

Initial Actions

  • If Green ICU in use, take handover of patients present
    • Identify stable/ward fit patients who could be discharged to Level 1 or transferred out
  • If Green ICU not in use, prepare are for patient admission/transfer
  • Coordinate activity around new admissions from medical wards/transfers from Red ICU
  • Brief and prepare your team


Continuous Actions

  • Follow task requests from Critical Care Consultant (CCC) 1
  • Ensure your bleep/phone number is distributed via Whatapp MI groups and recorded by Theatre Control Team
  • Attend your clinical area, coordinate you team and report regularly to CCC1 in theatre control team.
  • Communicate likely requirements of patients coming from theatres or ICU to the Theatre Control Team
  • Ensure all patient documentation is complete
  • On completion of task report back to CCC1 and proceed to coffee room if not immediately required
  • Do not leave hospital without reporting to CCC1 and signing out
  • Be prepared to be sent away to return at a later time if staffing requires
  • Refer all external requests for information about incident to the control room
  • Support and look after your colleagues