4-3. Emergency evacuation


Anaesthetised or sedated patient requires unplanned transfer because of environmental hazard (e.g. flood, fire, smoke, structural collapse, noxious gas). 


❶ Consider if patient can be safely moved: if not see Box A.

❷ Stop any operative procedure as soon as safe.  Pack and cover wounds.

❸ Transfer patient to bed or trolley. Transfer on operating table in extremis.

❹ Evacuate non-essential staff. Consider calling for help but be aware their own safety may preclude their attendance.

❺ Airway: Consider tracheal intubation to improve airway security if time allows.

❻ Breathing/ventilation options:

  • Minimise oxygen usage: lowest flows possible.
  • Self-inflating bag +/- supplemental oxygen.
  • Mechanical ventilator or C-circuit require higher flows.

❼ Circulation:

  • Ensure adequacy and security of i.v access.
  • Take adequate supplies of fluid ± infusion sets.
  • Take vasopressor(s) and/or resuscitation drug box.

❽ Maintenance of anaesthesia:

  • Intermittent bolus propofol simplest and quickest.
  • Infusion if time allows – remember mains cable for pump if available.
  • Consider taking stocks and pump to make infusion later.
  • Take blankets and/or warming devices if possible.

❾ If time allows, assemble adequate supply of drugs (Box B).

❿ Take existing monitoring and mains cabling.

⓫ Agree and communicate staff and patient muster points (Box C).




  • Ensure adequate depth of anaesthesia. 
  • Ensure adequate reserve: 100% oxygen, low flow, fill vaporiser. 
  • Ensure adequate neuromuscular blockade if relevant. 
  • Evacuate all staff, including anaesthetist when indicated. 
  • Inform rescue services and theatre coordinator. 


  • Drugs may not be readily available at muster point 
  • Aim to take: 
    • Oxygen 
    • Propofol /other hypnotic  
    • Neuromuscular blockade 
    • Vasopressor(s) 
    • Analgesics 
    • i.v. fluid
    • Neuromuscular reversal if extubation anticipated


  • Able bodied → adjacent safe zone 
  • Anaesthetised/sedated patient → area with appropriate access to oxygen and medicationse.g. theatre, recovery or critical care area in safe zone. 
  • Inform rescue services and relevant coordinator of location. 


  • Ensure route avoids original hazard and any consequent ones. 
  • Caution using lifts, especially in fire. 


Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 31/01/2018

Author(s): The Association Of Anaesthetists of Great Britain & Ireland 2018. www.aagbi.org/qrh. Subject to Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. You may distribute original version or adapt for yourself and distribute with acknowledgement of source. You may not use for commercial purposes. Visit website for details. The guidelines in this handbook are not intended to be standards of medical care. The ultimate judgement with regard to a particular clinical procedure or treatment plan must be made by the clinician in the light of the clinical data presented and the diagnostic and treatment options available..

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