3-10. Local Anaesthetic Toxicity


Signs of severe toxicity:

  • Sudden alteration in mental status, severe agitation or loss of consciousness, with or without tonic-clonic convulsions.
  • Cardiovascular collapse: sinus bradycardia, conduction blocks, asystole and ventricular tachyarrhythmias may all occur.
  • Local anaesthetic toxicity may occur some time after an initial injection.


❶ Stop injecting the local anaesthetic (remember infusion pumps).

❷ Call for help and inform immediate clinical team of problem.

❸ Call for cardiac arrest trolley and lipid rescue pack.

❹ Give 100% oxygen and ensure adequate lung ventilation:

  • Maintain the airway and if necessary secure it with a tracheal tube.
  • Hyperventilation may help reduce acidosis.

❺ Confirm or establish intravenous access.

If circulatory arrest:

  • Start continuous CPR using standard protocols.
  • Give intravenous lipid emulsion (Box A).
  • Recovery may take >1 hour.
  • Consider the use of cardiopulmonary bypass if available.

      If no circulatory arrest:

  • Conventional therapies to treat hypotension, brady- and tachyarrhythmia.
  • Consider intravenous lipid emulsion (Box A).

Control seizures with small incremental dose of benzodiazepine, thiopental or propofol.




USE 20% Intralipid® (propofol is not a suitable substitute)


  • Give an initial i.v. bolus of lipid emulsion 1.5 ml.kg–1 over 1 min (~100 ml for a 70 kg adult)
  • Start an i.v. infusion of lipid emulsion at 15 ml.kg–1.h–1 (17.5 ml.min-1 for a 70 kg adult)

At 5 and 10 minutes:

  • Give a repeat bolus (same dose) if:
    • cardiovascular stability has not been restored or
    • an adequate circulation deteriorates

At any time after 5 minutes:

  • Double the rate to 30 ml.kg–1.h–1 if:
    • cardiovascular stability has not been restored or
    • an adequate circulation deteriorates

Do not exceed maximum cumulative dose 12 ml.kg–1 (70 kg: 840 ml)


If cardiac arrest, continue lipid emulsion and   → 2-1


Arrange safe transfer to appropriate clinical area

Exclude pancreatitis: regular clinical review, daily amylase or lipase Report cases to MHRA: https://yellowcard.mhra.gov.uk/


Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 31/08/2019

Author(s): The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain & Ireland 2018.-19. www.aagbi.org/qrh Subject to Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. You may distribute original version or adapt for yourself and distribute with acknowledgement of source. You may not use for commercial purposes. Visit website for details. The guidelines in this handbook are not intended to be standards of medical care. The ultimate judgement with regard to a particular clinical procedure or treatment plan must be made by the clinician in the light of the clinical data presented and the diagnostic and treatment options..

Version: 1