
For use if the patient has:

• Unexplained hypotension

• Unexplained bronchospasm (wheeze may be absent if severe)

• Unexplained tachycardia or bradycardia

• Angioedema (often absent in severe cases)

• Unexpected cardiac arrest where other causes are excluded

• Cutaneous flushing in association with one of more of the signs above (often absent in severe cases)



❶ Call for help. Note the time. Stop or do not start non-essential surgery.

❷ Call for cardiac arrest trolley, anaphylaxis treatment pack and investigation pack.

❸ Remove all potential causative agents and maintain anaesthesia.

  • Important culprits: antibiotics, neuromuscular blocking agents, patent blue.
  • Consider chlorhexidine as cause (impregnated catheters, lubricants, cleansing agents).
  • Consider i.v. colloids as a possible cause.
  • Change to inhalational anaesthetic agent (if not already).

❹ Give 100% oxygen and ensure adequate ventilation:

  • Maintain the airway and, if necessary, secure it with tracheal tube.

❺ Elevate patient’s legs if there is hypotension.

❻ If systolic blood pressure < 50 mmHg or cardiac arrest, start CPR immediately.

❼ Give drugs to treat hypotension (Box A):

  • Hypotension may be resistant and may require prolonged treatment.
  • Give adrenaline bolus and repeat as necessary.
  • Consider starting an adrenaline infusion after three boluses.
  • If hypotension resistant, give alternate vasopressor (e.g. metaraminol, noradrenaline infusion +/- vasopressin)
  • Give glucagon in ß-blocked patient unresponsive to adrenaline.

❽ Give rapid i.v. crystalloid: 20 ml.kg-1 initial bolus, repeated until hypotension resolved.

Give hydrocortisone as part of resuscitation (Box B).

❿ If bronchospasm is persistent, consider → 3-4

⓫ Take 5-10 ml clotted blood sample for serum tryptase as soon as patient is stable.

  • Plan for repeat sample at 1-2 hours and >24 hours.

⓬ Give chlorphenamine when feasible (Box B).

⓭ Plan transfer of the patient to an appropriate critical care area. Note tasks in Box D.

⓮ Prevent re-administration of possible trigger agents (allergy band, annotate notes/drug chart)




  • Adult adrenaline:  

i.v. 50 μg (= 0.5 ml of 1:10 000)
i.m. 0.5 mg (= 0.5 ml of 1:1000) if i.v. not possible

  • Paediatric adrenaline:

i.v. 1.0 μg.kg-1 (0.1 ml.kg-1 of 1:100 000

[1:100 000 solution made by diluting 1 ml of 1:10 000 up to 10 ml]

  • If no i.v. access, intraosseous adrenaline dose same as i.v.
  • Suggested adrenaline infusion regimes (adult):

5 mg in 500 mL dextrose = 1:100 000, titrate to effect

3 mg in 50 mL saline. Start at 3 ml.h-1 (= 3 μg.min-1), titrate to maximum 40 ml.h-1 (= 40 μg.min-1)

  • Glucagon (adult): 1 mg, repeat as necessary
  • Vasopressin (adult): 2 units, repeat necessary (consider infusion)


Hydrocortisone i.v. doses:

  • Adult: 200 mg
  • Child 6-12 years: 100 mg
  • Child 6 months-6 years: 50
  • Child <6 months: 25 mg

Chlorphenamine i.v. doses:

  • Adult: 10mg
  • Child 6-12 years: 5mg
  • Child 6 months - 6 years: 2.5mg
  • Child < 6 months: 250μg.kg-1




  • Repeat testing for serum tryptase at 1-2 hours and >24 hours.
  • Liaise with hospital laboratory about analysis of samples.
  • Liaise with department anaphylaxis lead regarding referral to a specialist allergy or immunology centre to identify the causative agent (see www.bsaci.org for details).
  • Inform the patient, surgeon and general practitioner.
  • Report to MHRA (www.mhra.gov.uk/yellowcard).
  • NAP6 online resource: click here


Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 31/08/2019

Author(s): The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain & Ireland 2018.-19. www.aagbi.org/qrh Subject to Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. You may distribute original version or adapt for yourself and distribute with acknowledgement of source. You may not use for commercial purposes. Visit website for details. The guidelines in this handbook are not intended to be standards of medical care. The ultimate judgement with regard to a particular clinical procedure or treatment plan must be made by the clinician in the light of the clinical data presented and the diagnostic and treatment options..

Version: 3