Things you can do for yourself

Set realistic goals with the help of your healthcare professional

Keep a record of:

- your goals and what you would like to achieve

- any changes in your symptoms

- the progress you are making towards your goals

- how you feel your recovery is going

Keep a symptom diary – a symptom-tracking app can help you do this
Know who to contact if you are worried about your symptoms or you need more support

Look at further sources of advice and support your healthcare professional has made you aware of. These include:

- support groups

- online forums and apps, for example NHS inform or the open access part of the NHS website Your COVID recovery

- how to get support from other services including social care, housing, and employment, and advice about financial support.

Make sure you have information about new or continuing symptoms of COVID-19 that you can share with your family, carers and friends. Your healthcare professional will give you this.

QuotationMaking sense of, and managing, chronic illness may become easier in peer support communities (often though not always online), where new members learn practical approaches from more experienced ones...

You may be put in touch with a link worker or support worker who will work with you to find ways to improve your health and wellbeing.
It is not known if taking over-the-counter vitamins and supplements will help you manage long COVID symptoms. It is also not known if they are harmful or do not affect the treatment of COVID-19.
Healthcare professionals do not know what medication can help treat long COVID. If you have symptoms, you can use the normal treatments for them – such as using a cream for a skin rash.