Self administration of Sayana Press


NOT suitable for:
- clients under 16

FSRH now state that, whilst rare, anaphylactic reaction is possible with both first and subsequent exposures to Sayana Press. It is therefore recommended that users are advised to ensure there is a competent adult present at the time of self administration who is aware that they should call for emergency help at the time of onset of any relevant symptoms.
Consultation 1:

The clinician should give or supervise the first injection while instructing the patient on its use.

Consultation 2:

Check if they have any questions or concerns.

Patient self-administers Sayana Press under nurse supervision. If the patient wishes to continue with Sayana Press a prescription for three further doses can be dispensed.

Give patient a

  • card on setting up text reminders
  • sharps bin and verbal instructions on use (sharps canisters should be locked and returned to issuing services)
  • date for annual review (20 mins booked appointment).

Consultation 3 (if required):

Annual review. This can be virtual or face to face. Patient can self administer Sayana Press under observation.

A Sayana Press prescription can be dispensed for the next three doses if it is clear the patient is happy with the method and not wishing a pregnancy in the next year.

Replace sharps box.

Set up reminders as Consultation 2.

Make appointment for next annual review.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 01/05/2022

Next review date: 01/05/2024

Author(s): West of Scotland Managed Clinical Network for Sexual Health Clinical Guidelines Group .

Version: 9.1

Approved By: West of Scotland Managed Clinical Network for Sexual Health

Reviewer name(s): .