Incidental hyperglycaemia / glycosuria (1138)



For acute medical staff in CDU and ED when assessing children with intercurrent illness who are found to have incidental hyperglycaemia/glycosuria. To guide how to manage these children in terms of further investigation and follow up

Glycosuria and hyperglycaemia may be seen as part of the normal stress response in children with infection and also in association with medications such as steroids. This may be identified on urine dipstick testing or on a blood gas/cap BG/TBG

In some cases, the child has simply not washed their hands (alcohol gel does not count).

What we are trying to prevent

Children who may be presenting with type 1 Diabetes/ impaired glucose tolerance in addition to their intercurrent illness.

Please see Intermittent/borderline hyperglycaemia for well children with intermittent/borderline hyperglycaemia where criteria is not met for Diabetes.

Incidental glycosuria flowchart

Incidental Hyperglycaemia flowchart - intercurrent illness

Flowchart showing what to do if there's an incidental finding of hyperglycaemia when investigating intercurrent illness

* If Diabetes team unavailable, can be discharged if HbA1c within normal range and all Cap BGs <11.1 for 24 hours. Discuss with Diabetes team when available.

- If HbA1c not available, can be discharged if cap - BGs< 7.8 for 24 hours. Chase HbA1c - PUT in 2C JOB BOOK. Discuss with Diabetes team when available.

For clinical queries, please contact

Diabetes medical team - 0141 452 4961

Diabetes Hot nurse - 0141 452 4646

Out of Hours - General Paediatric team

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 05/03/2024

Next review date: 28/02/2027

Author(s): Dr Karen Whyte, Consultant Paediatrician.

Version: 1

Author email(s):

Approved By: Paediatrics Guidelines Group