Children under 1 month
ALL children under 1 month of age with a documented fever >38° or those that appear unwell should undergo a full septic screen which should consist of:
- Bloods including blood cultures
- Urine microscopy, culture and sensitivity
- LP*
IV antibiotics should be given in accordance with local guidelines.
*Please see RHSC lumbar puncture guideline for contraindications to LP
Children under 3 months of age1
- with documented fever in ED
- apyrexial on assessment but who have parental reports of fever at home
- no documented fever but appear unwell on examination
in whom no apparent source is found, the following investigations are advised1, and the patient should be admitted under medical paediatrics.
- Blood Culture
- Urinalysis and CSU
- CXR on clinical judgement
- LP* should be performed on the majority of children in this age group, unless there is a clear reason not to do so and this has been discussed with a senior clinician.
Administer IV antibiotics (refer to local guidance) if
- 1-3months who appear unwell
- If WCC <5x109/L or >15x109/L
In addition, children <3 months who have fever with a clear source should be discussed with the ED consultant on duty or medical registrar out of hours for admission to CDU or ARU for an extended period of monitoring +/- further investigation.
Children > 3 months of age1
- if a source is identified then management should be directed towards that specific illness
- If no source is found then management should be directed as per NICE traffic light system, described below1
RED1 |
- Investigations1
- Blood culture
- Urinalysis and CCU
- On clinical judgement
- Admission under medical paediatrics
IMPORTANT: These children are likely to be septic, and should be managed with the early input of a senior clinician and early administration of IV antibiotics considered.
- Investigations1
- Culture
- Urinalysis and CCU
- On clinical judgement
- LP (in particular if <1 year)
- CXR (if fever >39C and WCC >20X109/L
- If a child remains in the amber category after a period of observation in the ED they should be referred to medical paediatrics.
- Urinalysis and CCU
- If <1 year or previous history of UTI then wait for urinalysis in ED/CDU
- If >1 year and no history of previous UTI the urine sample can be collected at home and handed into GP.
- As per ED guidance, any child with an abnormality of their triage observations should have a minimum of one further set of observations recorded on a CEWS chart. If the child remains in the green category and there is no additional clinical concern they can be discharged with written advice.