Maternity wound care (943)



The purpose of this guideline is to ensure that all women within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Acute Services Division who have a caesarean birth, episiotomy or perineal suturing have post-operative/perineal wound care that is clinically effective and evidence based combined with effective strategies in place to reduce the risk of postnatal/post-operative wound complications. 

The Guideline has been developed to standardise wound care postpartum, ensuring evidence based, cost effective practice is implemented and delivered throughout Greater Glasgow and Clyde


This guideline will be applied to all women who attend for caesarean birth, have an episiotomy or perineal suturing irrespective of their ethnicity, disability, religion and beliefs, sexual orientation or age.

This guideline will provide advice and guidance on effective clinical practice for all registered healthcare personnel when caring for postpartum wounds. It is not intended to address specific clinical issues that relate to individual women.

Please report any inaccuracies or issues with this guideline using our online form

Roles and responsibilities

Registered Health Care Practitioners are responsible for: 

  • Informing women of the wound dressing protocol in the event of a caesarean birth and informing of appropriate wound care post caesarean birth/episiotomy/tear suturing.
  • Liaising with carers and the multidisciplinary team to promote compliance with dressing protocol, ensuring that each woman has an appropriate personalised care plan and that interventions are recorded and dated in line with the Board’s Record Keeping Policy.
  • Maintaining and updating their knowledge, skills and competence in line with their roles and responsibilities to care for women who undergo caesarean birth, episiotomy or tear suturing.
  • Seeking the advice of the Tissue Viability Service where appropriate, whilst maintaining ongoing responsibility for the woman’s episode of care.
  • Referring all non-progressing wounds after two weeks to the Tissue Viability Service. Ensure all caesarean wounds are documented on an adult wound assessment chart and the appropriate dressing regime is in place.

Datix reporting

A DATIX must be completed for every woman that is admitted to hospital for a wound related issue. 

Risk factors for wound complications

Many factors can potentially lead to a woman developing wound complications. These will be influenced by both intrinsic (from within the woman) and extrinsic (external) these factors must be considered when performing a holistic assessment and developing a plan of care.  

Intrinsic issues: 

  • High/low BMI
  • Reduced mobility / Immobility
  • Sensory impairment
  • Altered level of consciousness
  • Poor nutritional intake and dehydration
  • Prolonged surgery
  • Poor tissue perfusion/oxygenation
  • Incontinence
  • Excess moisture
  • Acute/Chronic/Terminal illness
  • Certain medications
  • Psychological factors
  • Previous tissue damage or wound healing complications
  • Colonisation with a resistant organism
  • Type 2 diabetes

Extrinsic issues:

  • Friction
  • Shearing
  • Increased Moisture

Underlying medical conditions will vary from woman to woman. It is also recognised that in some cases it is not always possible to prevent or manage some risk factors. Care planning should reflect this.

Postnatal wound inspection and wound assessment

  • Refer to Maternity Wound Algorithm (Appendix I)
  • PICO dressing should be used in women with a significant panniculus, who have required the use of Traxi retractor or those who have been admitted with wound complications after a previous caesarean birth.
  • When undertaking wound assessment all staff must follow NHS GGC standard infection control precautions.
  • Wound/dressing inspection should take place as per women centred plan of care (note: this can be carried out with dressing in place). If a woman declines wound inspection this should be documented and the risks fully explained to the woman.
  • If a woman shows signs of any wound complications, wound assessment and treatment plan documentation must be completed using the paper copy of the NHSGGC Adult Wound Assessment and Management chart. The NHSGGC Adult Wound Assessment and Management Chart will be scanned into Clinical Portal.

NHS GGC Wound assessment Chart

  • Tissue viability requests are now on TrakCare. Order under “new request”/others/Tissue Viability
  • Appropriate dressings and product selection should be based on the wound management objectives and specific woman’s needs. Refer to Maternity Core Wound Product List (Appendix II)
  • If a Caesarean birth Surgical Site Infection (SSI) is suspected the woman should be referred to the Named Obstetrician and the SSI details fully recorded on BadgerNet.

Discharge to primary care or other health care setting

  • Ensure a 7 day supply of wound products are given and record dressing regime in Clinical Portal.
  • Sanitary pads are not a wound dressing and should not be used as wound care products.
  • Once discharged from community midwife and the wound requires ongoing wound care, contact the patient's treatment room and make the first appointment for further consultation and review. If housebound contact District Nurse (DN) services, if required the DN or Treatment room (TR)  will refer to community Tissue Viability Nurse (TVN).
  • District Nurse phone numbers are: 0141 355 2180 Glasgow, 0141 207 7760 Renfrewshire
  • Other areas check with GP to access DN or TR services.


This guideline will be reviewed every three years.

Appendix I: Maternity wound algorithm

Wound Infection

Check dressing daily and record in maternity record if any of the following are present as this may indicate signs of a wound infection:

  • Developing pyrexia
  • Increased pain or discomfort
  • Increasing swelling of peri-wound area
  • Offensive odour
  • Increased exudate
  • Exudate purulent
  • Increased redness/discoloration/heat of tissues surrounding wound. If any of the above signs are present:
  • Remove dressing
  • Complete NHS GGC wound assessment chart
  • Consider microbiology swabbing if systemic signs of infection present
  • Urgent medical review is required for sepsis if patient pyrexial/tachycardic/unwell.
  • Report as surgical site infection on Badger.       

Appendix II: Core wound product list

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 29/01/2025

Next review date: 28/02/2028

Author(s): Eilidh Henderson, Julie Astley.

Version: 2

Approved By: Maternity Clinical Governance Group

Document Id: 943


Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust (2017) Prontosan New Mum Patient Information Leaflet

Cochrane Library Secondary suturing compared to non‐suturing for broken down perineal wounds following childbirth (2013) 

Dudley L, Kettle C, Waterfield J, Khaled M, Ismail K (2017) Perineal resuturing versus expectant management following vaginal delivery complicated by a dehisced wound (preview): a nested qualitative study BMJ (2017) Vol 7 Issue 2

Health Protection Scotland National Caesarean Section SSI Surveillance programme:  

NHSGGC Wound Classification Product Selection Guide (2018)