At 3 months post op
Neurosurgical review with the surgical team
Gait Analysis
Gait Analysis or physiotherapy assessments will be carried out at regular agreed intervals after surgery and are patients are usually followed up until they leave children services and transition into adult services.
This can help to focus problem solving if changes during development occur to the child.
Local physiotherapy Assessments
Local CPIPs annually by local therapists will be carried out as normal.
Acute SDR Physiotherapy assessments
Will be carried out again 6 months after surgery along with:-
- Muscle Power
- Sensation, pain and continence
- SCALE (selective motor control)
- 2 and 6 minute walk test.
Other tests may be used where appropriate.
SDR National MDT discussion
The local MDT SDR team will receive feedback from some of the above assessments in order to evolve their informed decisions in relation to the service.