Loading the syringe onto the syringe pump

This section provides a step by step guide for loading a syringe onto the BD BodyGuard T syringe pump. Please ensure that Infection Prevention/Control and Occupational Exposure Procedures are followed.

Step one:

Prepare prescribed medicines / syringe. If a new extension line is required, please prime the line manually.

Insert battery in pump (if required). Ensure the barrel clamp arm is down (no syringe in situ) and switch on. Check there is sufficient battery power depending on the setting i.e.50% or higher for community.


Step two:

Place prepared syringe above the pump to visually align the syringe with the collar and plunger sensors. If needed, use the and keys to achieve the required position.

Lift the barrel clamp arm fully, turn 180 degrees and lower the arm.

Place the syringe in position securely on the pump. Check the syringe collar and plunger are fitted and in place. Lift and rotate barrel clamp back into the original position.

A message will appear on screen to choose/confirm the brand and size of
syringe being used. Press  to confirm the selected syringe.


Step three:

When the syringe has been confirmed, the pump will calculate the rate and duration which will displayed on screen along with the total volume.

Check patient ID. Connect the syringe via the extension line to the patient using the subcutaneous infusion device in situ.

Next press  . The message ‘Start Infusion’ will appear on screen - confirm by pressing  again. The infusion has now commenced.

When renewing or changing the syringe, it is important to select ‘START INFUSION’ instead of ‘RESUME’ to ensure the pump delivers the infusion over a 24hr period


Step four:

Press and hold the  key to lock the keypad. Place syringe pump into the selected lockbox or cover.

Ensure all documentation has been updated.


Key Point: To reduce the risk of siphonage the syringe pump should be placed at the same level or lower than the infusion site.